June 28, 2007

One interesting thing about having friends is that it shows you how terrible of a friend you can be. For example, you might receive gifts, phone calls, emails, meals, and prayers while you don't return half the favors. The more you get to know me, the more terrible you'll see in me. I am very grateful to God for the many friends that He's blessed me with. At least three of them were born this month.
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Justin Jang
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Snugs Pahk
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Kenny to the G

Happy Birthday, boys.

Note: If I'm forgetting anyone that should be up there, it just means that I don't know your birthday because I'm a terrible friend. Apologies.

I can't believe they're already planning on making a sequel to Transformers. But if you haven't heard, it's a lot of fun. Decepticons are so much cooler than Autobots.

Thought of the Day: Encyclopedia Brown.

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