August 2, 2006

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"Arizona! Arizona! Here we COOOOOME!"

in other news, i played 1 on1 against a black guy today and beat him 2 out of 2 games. i know he was going easy on me but winning's WINNING! his name was Tony. i realized that i don't have too many friends who are down to play ball. everyone's always busy or lazy or straight up just suck. but with this realization, i further learned how much i enjoy the game. there's nothing better than playing a nice 3 on 3 with some of your buddies after a long day of studies or work. thank you God for basketball. enjoyment of any activity can only come from the Lord.

i recently started reading The Pilgrim's Progress (again) during my freetime. i already finished the first half about Christian, so now I am reading about Christiana and her children. it's humbling to read about their excitement and perseverance for the Gospel. how come my passion doesn't even compare to their passion? i read the Bible everyday. i pray every single day. i expose myself to "reminders", but i find myself living so contrary to what i believe. i have sins that i struggle with. how come i cannot bring myself to absolute repentance? it's interesting how even in our deepest spiritual pits, the H.S. is still sanctifying us more into Christ. i guess we just have to share in Paul's confidence that He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until Christ returns (Phil 1:6). i pray every morning for Christ to return and ultimately establish his kingdom. would you join me in this prayer. i wanna hurry up and go home.

Thought of the Day: Depravity
Song of the Day: Muse-Invincible

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