May 2, 2006

it looks like i won't be studying in Korea after all. don't worry, i'm still planning on going to the motherland. i'm just going to have to resort to working (probably teaching English) and learn my Korean and culture through my experiences. my cousin and i started emailing each other cause he's helping me look for work and opportunities. it's pretty weird actually. he's approximately 10 years older than me. i've never really TALKED to him before and here i am, giving him my background, personal statement, and resume. it's exciting and scary at the same time. the light at the end of the tunnel is slowly growing.

i feel overwhelmed these days. it feels really similar to around the same time last year when i had to look for housing for my family, study for finals, and figure out how to juggle 5 students with the upcoming Christian Academy. these days, i'm writing my mission support letters, reading hundreds of pages every week, tutoring 4 days a week, figuring out Korea, and repressing pessimistic thoughts of preparing for the CSET and GRE. i really look forward to finishing Perspectives too. as Edu always reminds me: "you have no time for life." well, at least the Wu-Tang Clan helps me to escape for a few minutes everyday. man, thank goodness for the Wu-Tang Clan!

i'm sure you're busy too. maybe my life is paradise compared to yours. maybe not. but would you be reminded of Christ just as i was reminded from Jongmin's encouraging email. "He is not here for He is risen." our lives are full of much. i hope your full life would be full of God and not full of self.

Thought of the Day: No rice.
Song of the Day: Doug E. Fresh & Slick Rick-Lodi Dodi

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