February 7, 2006

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yesterday was a really bad day.

i basically wasted so many emotions and hours on looking for my $50 Shell gascard that i received for my credit card points. i got it in the mail on Thursday and probably threw it away with the envelope on Friday night. that's the worst part. "PROBABLY." i don't even know if i actually threw it away or if i just misplaced it somewhere in my stupid room. i emptied my wallet, checked my trash can twice, and looked in every other ridiculous area around my desk. *sigh* so i went to the dumpster outside and asked my brother to take a brief look. he barely even tried, but i just told him to get out. "the garbage truck probably already took the trash." a few hours later, i went into the dumpster this time and did my dirty work. 30 minutes later, i found my Target bag that i used for the trash that day! the only thing was that the bag was open when i found it. when i threw it away on that cursed Friday, i had tied the bag closed. no envelope to be found anywhere.

Stockholm Syndrome was such an appropriate song.

i found driving to be very therapeutic. you can drive away from your troubles (literally) and take some time to calm down. your breathing regulates and your muscles eventually loosen up. i was truly a wreck last night. can you say Job 1:29?

if you've been praying for me lately, let me just inform you that God has answered our prayers today. tutoring is no longer dormant-i'm back! and when i'm making money, that means i'm buying more cds and dvds. no, i'm only half-kidding. after i receive my Audio Adrenaline cd, the cds are complete. thank you, God, my provider.

Thought of the Day: Nocturnal Emission.
Song of the Day: 1TYM-Dangerous

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