November 2, 2005

right now, i'm printing out my 22nd article for my research paper. i have two more to print out after this. i printed so many pages that i had to put in a new ink cartridge and even that one just ran out now! my brother hates my noisy printer with all his heart. i, on the other hand, hate my upper div writing class with all my heart. no, i take that back...i don't hate it. it's just A LOT of work. my research paper is always always on my mind. in fact, this morning i woke up thinking about self-esteem and identity issues that influence academic retention. !!!

after feeling discouraged from my math class, i debated whether or not i should stay for psych. but since i needed to talk to rebecca about the lab hw, i decided to bear through it. after deciding to work on the lab together after class, we went to commons and sat down at the computers. as i was looking through my backpack, i couldn't find my floppy disk anywhere! my floppy disk with my two drafts for my research paper. my floppy disk with the two crucial articles that i spent 4 hours looking for last night. losing this disk would have produced some loud cuss words for sure. but by the grace of God, it was still inside the computer that i had worked on last night. *SIIIIIIIGH* if i had not gone to class, i would've lost everything. if i had fudged the lab last week to finish early, i would've lost everything. if i had not asked rebecca to work on the lab together, i would've lost everything. was i merely lucky? heck no! that was God's providence FOR SURE!

it's only 2:30 and it's already been a long day. my articles are done printing.

Thought of the Day: Juggling too many eggs.
Song of the Day: Weezer-Beverly Hills

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