September 27, 2005

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i am finally back in education. so far, i don't like any of my classes this quarter. my math professor is a foreign immigrant, my psych TA sounds even worse than him, and i have a very hard time appreciating research methods for my psychology lab. the commute to irvine every monday, wednesday, and friday morning takes one hour. *groan* maybe i'm just not conditioned yet. but i know today was one crappy second day of school-

missed street turns twice.
late for class.
finished lab early but forgot to save data. started over.
the ear part of my sunglasses snapped off.
took the 55 instead of the 5. traffic. a car almost hit me.

"sounds like somebody's got a case of the mondays!" right? i'm sure tuesday will be much better. i can wake up at 9:45 as opposed to today's, we're starting clusters tomorrow! i never thought i'd ever be excited about leading clusters. it's a good thing. tomorrow HAS to be better than today.

there's been a lot of fuss about people leaving churches these days. many members left after p. dennis went to go start off City Light. even after that craze, i still heard of a few who left for other reasons. i know the youth group has had a pattern of students leaving the church once they hit that infamous senior year in high school. and if you hadn't heard, recently, kcpc had a woman pastor come into their youth group. that obviously did some damage to their congregation as well. what's going on here? church members bouncing in and out. friends following friends to "better churches." various plans to leave the church after college group. seriously, what's going on here?

i have to admit that i've been tempted to leave CPC for selfish reasons before. but when it all comes down to it, dinko says, "switching churches is a cop out." there are only a few reasons why anyone should leave the visible church. i think this article from the OPC website does a decent job of putting it all together (thanks, chang):

Thought of the Day: Krazy Glue.
Song of the Day: Foo Fighters-My Hero