October 18, 2004

something funny:

after clusters...

me: there were two people in my hall who dropped out after freshmen year.
chris: the gay guy in our hall dropped out.
eugene: all the gay people live in mesa.
ken: hey! i live in mesa!
(eugene and chris nod).
me: ahahhahahahhaha.

something serious:

i've talked to a lot of people who have/had many problems in their life. many of them have told me that their problems only get worse and worse as time goes on. they pray and they pray but they see little or no improvement. even though i usually cannot empathize to their level, i really feel for them and obviously want to give them whatever encouragement i can give. i usually say something like, "i know it's really hard. i can't fully understand what you're going through but you just have to trust that God is sovereign. you should read Job." or something like that. alot of times, i feel like a fool for telling them something that they already know. i obviously want to tell them something original and profound-something "really encouraging!"
like in many of his psalms, David praises God for His faithfulness in Psalm 18. it just hit me that David was a man who always seemed to suffer more and more (kind of like the many people who have shared with me). i mean, Saul tried to kill him. even his very own son tried to kill him! David was always on the move, running away from danger. but psalm after psalm, he never fails to give thanks and praise to God.
today, i was thinking about David's life and why God put him through so much drama. there was so much hardship and trouble-so many years of war and bloodshed and fleeing from his enemies. God, why did you put David through so much in his life?!
answer: so that He could show His faithfulness.
my brothers and sisters in Christ, perhaps that is the answer to many of our most difficult and discouraging times. praise be to God for that.

Thought of the Day: Do not be yoked with unbelievers.
Song of the Day: Beethoven-Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement

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