September 27, 2004

i feel like i have finally started off the new school year.

1. Hold'em

last night, willburt called me but i missed his call. i was pretty sure he wanted to gamble so i didn't feel like calling him back. however, he got a hold of me online and entreated me to play that night. he had all the boys gathered up and everything! i feel like i have a hard time saying no to the guy. it's not that i have a lust for gambling or anything. it just makes me happy to see willburt happy with his goofy smile. of all of my friends, i enjoy playing with these guys the most. so we kicked off our weekly poker night yesterday at frank's new place...and willburt was happy.

2. Exercise

a few nights ago...

edu: how fast can you run a mile?
me: well, i haven't run in like 4 months. i bet you once i start running again, my 2 mile is going to be around 19 min. for sure i won't go past 20 though. 20 min. is just SLOW!

so my 2 mile time today was 20:14. i lapped this one guy 3 times but by the time i was done, he had lapped me 4 times. dang it, man.

3. Clusters

chris is leading the boys and genie is leading the girls this year. we had a joint meeting today at my apt. all of the freshmen looked through all of the pictures on my computer and laughed at my yellow hair. funny...nobody laughed at me in person when i actually had the hair.

i start my first day of class tomorrow. i've already told this to a million people but this qtr., i only have class on tues. and thurs. that means i have class from 9:30am-6:20pm on those days. right now, i'm having a hard time picturing how difficult or tiring those days will be. i guess there's only one way to find out.

the summer has finally come to a close. i am seriously convinced that this summer was the best summer that i have ever had in my life. everything from paraguay to temp. job to retreats to biola to living at edu's house. i grew up alot this summer. let's see what junior year has in store for me.

Thought of the Day: Thank you, Doe.
Song of the Day: Phorte-Live Korean Megamix #1

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