June 17, 2004

the sun has suddenly appeared from the white clouds, fatboy slim is playing the right beats, and my stomach is full from In N' Out. Finals are finally fin! this long awaited day has come and it still hasn't really hit me yet. it's always like that right after your last test. i wanted to celebrate but there really isn't anybody to celebrate with...right now.

well, i took my bio final yesterday. after my first two midterms, i didn't go to class again b/c i kept falling asleep in every lecture. so just like every test in that class, i would study all of the lectures online the night before, wake up and study more, pray, take the test, and pray again. well, i felt that this final really raped me inside and out. anyways, i got home and checked my test score. i got an A??? and today, i got home and checked my final grade for the class. 87-100 = A. and lo and behold, i had 87 points. it would be absolutely retarded if i took ANY claim on this grade. all glory to God. a B would have been a very gracious grade. an A is just absolutely undeserving. all glory to God. all glory to God!

i've been doing alotta thinking about my future career lately. i think i've decided that i want to teach math. i talked to several counselors this past week and it didn't look too good for me since i have no math background. after talking to a counselor again today, there's an exciting chance that i might end up doing a math minor. funny, isn't it? phil doing something like math? as much as i really SUCK at math, i think it's a subject that i really enjoy. it's going to be interesting planning all this crap out.

Thought of the Day: J schmOE 31 (1:32:06 PM): freedom is great
Song of the Day: Fatboy Slim-Tequila Remix

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