November 28, 2003

another thanksgiving has passed me by. although my family doesn't really celebrate thanksgiving, i was still reminded of what i should be grateful for. the drive up home was a very long drive. i took off from irvine at 1:30pm and arrived home the next day at 1am (don't worry, i'll explain). but i had jennifer moon and jane yu to keep me company...

jennifer moon is a 1st year at irvine. we both went to high school together but never talked until this year. i know her through her brother, chris moon, who happens to be one of my brother's friends. jennifer is a fob. i think the only time i talked to her in high school was when i asked her to help me out with my bio grade since she was the TA for my class. at one point, i had the highest grade in the class, a much too obvious 94%. she didn't talk much after we picked up jane.

jane yu is a 1st year at la. she too went to high school with me but we never talked until last year? (and this was just a little). well, i remember hearing about how she used to be a devout christian until she started having doubts about her faith. she is currently an "agnostic." anyways, she asked me for a ride a while ago and i remember anticipating a huge theological debate on the validity of christianity since we'd be driving up together. a few things that were unexpected:
1. she talks alot. at first, i was scared that she'd be an annoying chatterbox that i'd have to pretend to be listening to. she actually turned out to be a chatterbox that had many interesting thoughts. i enjoyed everything that she shared.
2. our debate began as soon as we hit the 101. nothing hostile or unclear. everything was straightforward and understood. a pleasant discussion if you will.
3. conclusion: jane is a very analytical person. i feel like i get along with her quite well. i was saying, i arrived home at 1am. whenever i drive up north from irvine, i only have to fill up once before i take off cause i can make it the whole way without stopping. unfortunately, i hadn't taken into consideration that i had stopped twice...once for bathroom break (weaksauce girls) and another time for In N' Out. these few extra driven miles caused my car to run out of gas at Dore Ave (right in b/w San Mateo and Burlingame). fudge right? i call my mom at 11:45. she takes a good 45 min. to arrive at the scene (never EVER assume your mom understands your directions), it takes me another 30 min. just to get to a gas station, buy a gasoline container, attempt to fill it up, drive to another gas station (after failing the first time), learn how to fill the container with fuel, and finally drive back to my car and pour the goods. however, i learned a few things from this FREEZING experience:

1. even motels near burlingame look like crap.
2. if the gas light turns on, it doesn't hurt to get off the freeway and put some more gas in...even if you're 5 stupid miles away from your destination.
3. you need to PUSH the gas pump into the container or else the gas won't come out.
4. i learned how to pour (not pump) gas into my car.
5. i think gas is cheaper up north.

some people have to learn the hard way. just learn from my words so you don't have to be one of those people.

and going even further back to my original point: so i was talking with jane about the condemned and the elect. i could see that everything that i was talking about, she totally understood every word. she had heard it many times before and she was hearing it again. i realized that God had chosen to reveal so many of His truths to me while hiding them from jane. we could both read God's word but the difference b/w us is acceptance. everything that i understand and believe to be true is only possible by God's grace. i find it hitting me harder and harder every time i discuss theology with people. everything that makes sense and everything that i can enjoy and delight in is only possible by God's grace. a gift from God. something that i do not deserve. while i pity those who are not as fortunate as i am, at the same time i am compelled to give thanks to my gracious Lord. i have everything b/c of grace. i know everything b/c of grace. i am saved b/c of grace. Thanksgiving. i give thanks b/c of God's grace.

well, it's that time of the year again. christmas shopping. time to bust out that list of people who you're going to shop for. you go through all your friends and see who deserves the 20 dollar gift or the "i'm sorry i couldn't get you anything" x-mas card. man, i remember my senior year in high school, i had like a list of 20 people! i think every year, i spend about $500 on x-mas gifts. but today, i was doing my budgeting and realized that i am only going to spend about $300 this year (interpretation: i have less friends this year). but one thing that i hate is that i never get anything i REALLY want for x-mas. i feel like i get people the best gifts that they could ever want...wonderful and useful gifts! but all i ever get is a gift chosen out of obligation. *breaks window* yeahyeah, it's not about receiving. it's all about giving right? well i got news for ya...if you ever say that to me in person, don't expect a gift coming from ME this year!

p.s.-i want keira knightly for x-mas. *thumbs up*

Thought of the Day: Simon's super sick!
Song of the Day: Beethoven-Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement

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