October 24, 2003

i made a pretty big move with my students today. everyone knows that kids absolutely cannot sit still for more than one minute. jordan likes to put his feet on my legs, rock his chair, lean on me, punch me in the face, flick my face...HARRASS ME! dillon likes to rock back and forth, take the book off the table and position it so that i cannot see the words, stand on top of the chair, and pick his ear with a pencil. yeah, i don't like that last one either. so as i was saying, i made a pretty big move with my students today. i got so sick of all this fidgeting from these restless kids that i offered them a deal...

me: jordan, you're like a monkey! you just won't sit still! you wanna hug me, put your feet on me, and lean on me! MONKEY BOY!!!
jordan: ahahahahhah. i'm not a monkey!
me: ok i'll tell you what. jordan, if you can sit still w/o moving around ONCE, i'll give you anything you want!
jordan: *gasp*

me: dillon, ANYTHING you want!
dillon: (smiles and stares off into space).

you see, my plan was to see what they wanted and to just give them their rewards for x-mas, while they attempted to sit still the whole time. it'd be like killing 2 birds with 1 stone! i thought there was no way they could sit still for the whole 30 min. or 1 hour w/o rocking that cursed chair once or touching any part of my body. they are to sit just as i sit! so after i explain the rules to dillon, we go for a practice run today. that kid did not budge once! freakin' a, the bastard really wants that pokemon game. looks like the birds are going to throw that stone back at me.

Thought of the Day: (tanx)'=-sec^2 x
Song of the Day: Justin Timberlake-Like I Love You

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