October 10, 2003

1st half of thursday was BAD...

1. i really dislike it when the teacher is willing to hold up the whole class just b/c some dumb students have some dumb questions. "is there going to a problem like #39 on the quiz?" the teacher says no and still goes over the whole problem just b/c of the student doesn't understand. after that tedious process, we just start all over again with another raised hand.

2. film studies discussion. icons, symbols, and market value. they all speak of a language that i do not understand. stop looking at me, expecting to hear some intelligent contribution to the group. lost - Past tense and past participle of lose. lose - To fail to hear, see, or understand.

3. korean-1st draft story due monday. cafe nite is really preventing any productive school work from happening.

4. effect: 10 min. late to tutoring. cause: driving on campus instead of harvard. 2 REALLY bad drivers caused me to stop at 2 min. red lights. "GOD! WHY?!"

2nd half of thursday was GOOD...

1. actually fell alseep and woke up 2 hours later.

2. find parking at hannah's place and enter right in time for Friends.

3. delectable pie.

4. go over all film studies lectures/studios in 2 hours. the material i find interest. i've never had so much gratitude for hannah.

5. visit jack's place. nice place.

6. get a chunk of the film studies reading done. the contrast b/w the readings from history and film studies is incredible. i was actually enjoying what i was reading earlier tonight. this stuff on film and art and media is so interesting! and dude, you can't go wrong with books that are loaded with pictures. out of there by 2am.

7. find parking!

i concluded the night with a praise to God...hands lifted up and looking up into the sky. a very content smile...

let's just hope that smile can last throughout the weekend.

Thought of the Day: Dykas liked Swingers!
Song of the Day: Tamaki Nami-Realize

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