July 30, 2003

today was possibly the worst day of work in my life!

1. i was super tired this morning...i mean SUPER tired! i seriously could have fallen asleep on the floor if you gave me 5 min. man, just thinking about how tired i was this morning is actually making me tired right now! but anyways, you get the point.

2. i was checking my account balance online and i found out that i was negative $9. F!!! i always did wonder why my balance was so high cause apparently, i had totally forgotten that i had written a $36.66 check for my oil change and car wash. man, that's the bad thing about checks...you totally forget about your balance...well, at least i do.

3. i had to make a GRIP of copies. i probably use our copy machine for at least 2 hours everyday. it's really depressing and stressful. there's sooooo many different lesson plans you have to copy and trust me, the directions are insanely complicated. example: you have to open up Week 5, look at the list, find the book, copy, look for the lesson (i don't understand why the page #'s are wrong), and you copy. you make copies for the upcoming classes. you make extra copies for the binder itself. and after you've taken care of all that, you have to make the INSTRUCTOR'S BASTARD EDITION! and yes, EVERY part has an instructor's edition! so b/c i had forgotten such vital things today, i had teachers complaining to me. i had my boss complain to me. i had MYSELF complaining to me! about halfway through the day, i just asked my boss to fire me. (laughter). ugh.

4. and just to make God laugh even harder at me, i was working through a gassy GASSY stomach. standing there next to the copy machine, squeezing my butt real hard, and positioning my legs in an awkward stance, i was seriously in no mood to make tomorrow's copies for the English classes. man, i can only imagine how uncomfortable my face expression was. lol. i was honestly having thoughts of just letting it all out and accept the laughter and ridicule from andrea and the students. goodness, how did i get through today?

obviously, only by God's grace alone. haha. God is seriously a genius, planning out my difficult day, cracking up at my discomforts, and still receving all the glory for it! lol. praise God.

man, i have to fix my car.

made my day...

arthur: yeah, you'd save so much money if you just had a garden!
billy: do you see anybody our age with a garden?
arthur: no seriously, i was thinking of starting one you know?
billy: phil, you're no longer the homo of the apt.
me: ahahahahhahahahah.

take that you itchy bastard!

Thought of the Day: I hate copy machines.
Song of the Day: Take-Baby Baby

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