June 8, 2003

i think it's really funny how so many people just do not want to listen to what you have to say. i'm sure many of you have already done this before, but just try listening to people's conversations. more often than not, each person will be more concentrated on what they wanna say about themselves. when they are "listening," the responses are so fake with the forced nods, the assuring "uh-huh's," and the spaced out eye contact. it's really funny just listening to people to talk. sometimes, you can so tell that they're not interested at all of what you have to say. haha. i think girls do that alot. like they'll ask you questions just so that they can answer them for you. "oh how was your week? really? my week was....." why do i bring this up? *shrug* i think i've always experienced this but i just always forgot to write about it. haha. i'm guilty of this stupid sin too.

you know, my flu got alot better after i took a nap a few hours ago. i was doing pretty bad this morning with the runny nose and coughing. but after this nap i just took, i felt so refreshed. i feel so happy right now. everything just seems so relaxed. peace. serenity. it's really nice. i haven't felt like this in a while. content with everything. physically, emotionally, and spiritually content. i wish i could stay like this forever. just sit here and stare at my Dasani water bottle with a stupid smile.

Thought of the Day: I don't like being responsible for money.
Song of the Day: Eugene-The Best (?)

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