May 26, 2003

man, i practiced so hard for my part in the body worship. freakin' suzy training my slow learning body, and what do i at the senior banquet? 75% is turned into phil's bs moves. fortunately, no one noticed...i think.

the senior banquet was awesome...

1. Korea World Cup song welcoming.
2. "Run To You" intro.
3. "hella grip" of food.
4. dennis tearin' it up! lol.
5. sean's hidden moves.
6. junior girls's "3! 4!" dance.
7. oh, almost forgot about amenda & liza's video. ahhaahhahahaha.
8. amenda getting punk'd.
9. jay's drama fo yo mama.

it was like a much nicer yg banquet. bangin' food, much more formal wear (the senior girls were wearing hangboks!), and a grip of performances. 6:30-11? even dennis thought that this was the best senior banquet he had ever seen. and you know pastors see alotta banquets in their time.

so it looks like i'm gonna be head of welcoming committee. i still do not understand why they would pick a young soon to be sophomore like me to lead the whole committee. well, i'm actually co-leading with chester esther, but why me? i'm just a dumb freshmen who doesn't know anything about welcoming committee. never did it in yg either. but yeah, looks like this will be my position for now. may God use me effectively to make newcomers feel welcome.

man, so i finally got to eat Islands today. the last time i ate it was during the summer with chris, chang, and dykas. long time ago. man, those burgers still haven't let me down. freakin' delicious. it was nice to have crawford and drew as company too. i'm learning that lisa crawford is a very generous fellow...always down to spot people when they're low on cash. how nice. she may not be the prettiest girl in the world, but she sure is benevolent.

as i interact with more and more people, i've to realize that i like hearing Thank You's from people. it really bothers me when people don't show any signs of gratefulness to people who deserve it. i mean, of course they could be thankful in their hearts and not say a word. but that doesn't do much good for the benefactor does it now? i mean, is it so hard to so a simple Thanks or Thank You? but of course, who am i to demand such a thing when i myself fail to thank my God who is constantly blessing me? once again, my reflections have once again led to reminders of my hyopcrisy. seriously, when you think about it, alotta of your reflections always end up with the same answer. sin. it's b/c of sin. that's b/c of sin. we are b/c of sin.

oh how i pity the fool who does not see the sin in himself.

Thought of the Day: Clean.
Song of the Day: Unchanging

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