April 11, 2003

i THINK i've figured out how my classes work. bio will only test things from the lectures. psych. is just straight up following the book. korean, i just go for fun. hehe. but anyways, since i've figured out how i'm supposd to study, that means i'll only be reading from my psych. book...mondays and wednesdays. every other day is just chill. i mean, i've already returned my bio book. haha.

if you follow my reasoning, thursday was a free day for me after class. sooooooo, i decided to take a trip to ucla with dykas. man, ucla really IS a great campus! i definitely think it's the best UC to go to...

me: dang dude. this place is so nice!
dykas: yeah, it makes me wish that i had studied harder! it's so....hey look a squirrel!
me: ahhaahhahaha.

ucla is basically a whole buncha bricks, construction, and stairs and stairs and STAIRS! their store is really awesome. they have a gang of dining halls. the dorm food was in a high class of its own. the campus is super big. olivia is definitely going to love it.

i was thinking about how much better la was than irvine. but i think i like irvine so much more in alotta ways too. we're not super big so everything won't be more than a mile away. i still think we have hotter girls. we don't have billions of stairs. our dorms our nicer. we have fewer dining halls but i really do appreciate the food that we eat. and finally, the PEOPLE! irvine just has a buncha awesome people. i think since irvine doesn't have too many "smart" people, we're all so chill you know? everyone likes to play and just have a good time. man, can i sound anymore biased? with this reasoning, i guess SD would be a good balance b/w irvine and LA. *shrug* as long as we have aaron (aka karen), we're still the best UC. haha. JJOT!

afterwards, dykas and i went to the ccm bonfire thing. tonight, i met terry (?), jennifer, eugene, naomi (chinese chick!), and this other girl with a weird name. gosh, all these fools live in mesa court! the only middle earthers are me, esther, and hana. oh that reminds me! esther and i were talking about majors. that reminded me of...

jess: psych. major?! YOU?!
me: yeah why?
jess: that's the last major i'd expect you to be!

(eating my second plate of salad).
jess: psych. major and SALAD?! PHYKAS?!
me: oh yeah you guys don't know. i really like salad.

you know, i just recently found out that psych. majors have the stereotype of being lazy and choosing it as a last resort. that's so weird cause the whole time, i thought psychology majors were cool! i thought it was kind of a "smart" major cause it's like you're studying a mix of science and people stuff. bah! what do they know? bio majors are the stupid ones! cs majors are the losers. i win. they lose.

Thought of the Day: Thanks jess. Thanks crawford.
Song of the Day: HOT-Wedding X-mas

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