April 19, 2003

after last night, i realized that i am definitely sick and tired of dorm life. there are just so many reasons why i hate living in the dorms. fall quarter was freakin' awesome. so much fun hanging out all night doing stupid stuff. winter quarter calmed down a bit and there wasn't much bother. but this quarter, it's really hitting me that i cannot stand living in the dorms with certain people. i seriously cannot wait til i move into the apartments with just 3 other people. living with 9 other people just takes away all of your privacy, respect, and most of all YOUR SLEEP! people coming in and out of the rooms, looking through your stuff, borrowing your stuff, eating your stuff, breaking your stuff. people knocking on your door when you're sleeping to ask you a stupid question. people leaving your room and not bothering to close it. people bringing over their friends at the most inconvenient hours and being louder than necessary. i mean dang, some people can be so inconsiderate. very selfish and not giving a garbage about you. and i mean, it's not like you can do anything about it you know? you can't whine and complain to these people about your inconveniences. they'll ignore you and/or look at you as a bitter person that needs to "chill." that's the worst you know? when you're stuck in a bad situation and you're forced to keep it to yourself. well, 7 more weeks to go in this hellhole. it's a wonder how some people can be so patient.

i was talking to genie last night in her room after church. it pretty cool cause i like never talk to her besides hellos, goodbyes, and questions about the psych. final. i think she already told me this earlier during the year but she said told me again. she told me that one thing she really regrets about freshmen year was not taking advantage of her education. we pay thousands and thousands of dollars for these classes and we often take it for granted. we never open the book until it's time to cram for the final. we never look through our notes during the week just to review previous lectures. basically, her point was that college is FOR us! it's here to help us and teach us. we ought to learn learn learn! gosh, i should stop bsing my classes and really study it! even it the material isn't on the midterm, i should still learn and understand it for my own sake. words of wisdom from genie kim. thank you.

congratulations to all who are getting confirmed tomorrow. confirmation/baptism means nothing if you're not living it. go out there and show the world guys!

Thought of the Day: I do not love.
Song of the Day: Linkin Park-Don't Stay

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