March 18, 2003

so i just got out of my psych. final. i went in at 8am. i finished exactly at 9:25am. there's still a good number of poor souls still taking it as i speak. *sigh* let's rewind a bit shall we?

so as i wrote earlier today, i seriously studied my arse off. i mean, you wouldn't believe just how much pressure i was studying under. this is a one midterm one final course. i got a 58% on the midterm. i basically had to get a 75% or better on the final in order to pass the class. you have to understand, failing a course was a big NONO that i wanted to avoid. failing this course meant that all the times i had slept at 4 in the morning and had to wake up 7:30, all those pages i had read in place of my happy time, all the different emotions and prayers and time spent would ALL BE A WASTE. let me repeat that for you...ALL BE A WASTE! on top of that, i would have to take summer school and pay $350 for one course?! seriously, no one but God Himself could understand what kinda garbage i went through this quarter as i took Psychology 9B. trust me guys, it was quite a ride.

you can only imagine a glimpse of what kinda stress i had. if you ask my roommate, he knows that the stress i was dealing with daily affected my attitude (caution: don't get on my nerves when i'm stressed cause you just might lose an eye), my ravenous appetites would go down the drain, and sleeping life was seriously no life at all. sleep became minimal. dreams became nightmares. missing class became regular.

i will never forget march 17, 2003. 3pm-12:30am. i studied. yes, i know i already told you this a million times but shuttup and listen again. i had maxed out and even though i knew i hadn't quite satisifed my goals, my brain just woudl not accept any new information. i tried going to bed at 1:30 cause i was exhausted. then all of a sudden, as if it were all planned by Satan, came all the horrible thoughts. fact: stress deprives you of sleep. i prayed to God (again) about all my stress and worries and grace and mercy. such a desperate prayer. so i got out of bed, turned on my computer and decided to watch Friends til i got tired...3 hours later. haha. this show really took my mind off things and my stress slowly disappeared. i tried to go to bed at 5 and didn't fall asleep til 5:30.

alarm clock goes off at 6:30, i do my qt, drink a caramel Frappuchino, brush my teeth, get changed, do my hair, and start reviewing again. scroll back up and you'll be up to date.

if i wanted to write every little detail about my thoughts on the final, Blogger would probably cancel my membership with them for writing such a novel. all i know is that i passed Psych 9B. i wanna say that the test was cake but i really don't want to get ahead of myself. all of those hours and efforts really paid off. as i was walking back to my dorm, i was feeling really delirious with the caffeine wearing off and my lack of sleeping really hitting my body. but all i could think of were two words. PRAISE GOD! i was overwhelmed with grace as God once again blessed me through this final. phil, such a sinful and faithless moron who made school an idol, was shown grace from his God again. with dragging steps and tearful eyes, my heart gave all the glory to God.

wouldn't it be funny if i actually ended up failing the course?

(NEW) Thought of the Day: All glory to God.

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