March 30, 2003

i got a card from eunice, elisa, and connie richards today. each card was meaingful in its own way. thanks you ladies.

tomorrow is the first day of spring quarter i'm much happier with this quarter's schedule b/c i only have two classes each day and everyday starts and ends at the same time. i was just a little disapointed that i didn't get into a later time for writing 39C....which means that i will not be taking it this quarter. how unfortunate. man, this spring break was pretty good. spent alotta time playing and relaxing...just what the doctor ordered right after such a tough quarter. i think this upcoming quarter won't be so bad though. it'll be just right!

uploaded some more pictures. the first one is my personal favorite. i know dykas likes it too. =D

Thought of the Day: SO HOT!
Song of the Day: Jaci Velasquez-You're My God

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