February 7, 2003

teacher: so if a baby is dressed in blue, then it means that the baby is a...
class: boy!
teacher: and if it's dressed in pink, it's a...
class: girl!
teacher: but if a boy is dressed in pink...
class: then it's GAY!
teacher: omg.
class: ahahahahahhah.

so i'm actually enjoying my writing class alot more these days. Praise God! as opposed to my english classes in high school, i am actually learning how to write! english cp was seriously a joke. ironic how cp stands for College Prepatory. uh no! i walked into my writing class with full knowledge of how to bs papers. so today, my teacher gave us a lecture on how bad we did on our papers. "no thesis....blah blah blah...irrelevant paragraphs...blah blah blah...don't expect a high grade....blah blah blah." gosh, he was like, "this is not an effort class. i do not grade you on your effort. i grade what you give me. it doesn't matter how hard you worked." so after these encouraging words, i was expecting either a D or a C. so i open up my folder and turn my paper over. B!!!! don't you just LOVE it when God pulls these jokes in your life? i mean seriously, PRAISE THE LORD! before i got my paper, i was telling myself that i had to be content with whatever i received b/c i tried my best. but this blessing just made it so much easier to be content.

(one of the last to walk out).
mr. hood: good job phil.
me: thanks. later.

today, uriah from my korean class asked me to come out to Oicas (small campus ministry) tonight. i had nothing to do so i decided to give it a chance. i think the best word to describe it is WHACK! i think i just wasn't used to the environment. people praising with weird gestures ("praising") and repeating verses over and over and over again...to the point where it seemed inappropriate. so anyways, i was at least expecting a decent message from their pastor. WHACK! i couldn't help but be so cynical throughout the thing. i mean, the guy was totally me me me, too busy trying to be funny to the crowd and not speaking God's word. so i told Uriah that i had to meet up with some friends and bounced early in the middle of the message.

oh yeah, i noticed a bad habit that i need to stop. i was talking to Uriah and we were talking about churches. she told me she went to Hollywood Baptist Church or something. as soon as i heard the word, "baptist," i immediately thought UNREFORMED BASTARD! i know it sounds funny but it's not a good thing. i have this bad image of Baptists b/c they're commonly known for being unreformed. i don't know wassup with me and unreformed faith. it just makes me angry. armeniests make me angry. they're teaching it all wrong! anyways, that's my bad habit that i need to fix. not all Baptists are bad. look at John Piper right? i could be such a pharisee!

today, i had an encouraging talk with elisa and cj. two people who supposedly can relate to my situation. i guess i'm not the lonliest person in the world. wait a min.! a realization! just now this very moment, i just remembered about Jesus who died on the cross. back in the summer, i was listening to a sermon on prayers of tears or something? ah, i forget what it's called. but in that sermon, the speaker was talking about how we can always go to God and express everything. Jesus experienced it all on the cross! he too felt like he had no friends. he too felt lonely on that cross. i'm sure he too felt that no one could relate to him. what a great God that we have! a god who understands us better than anyone else, including ourselves. *sigh* hurry up and come! i wanna go home...

Thought of the Day: I am not a LADIES MAN.
Song of the Day: DJ Babyboi-Canon In B

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