January 19, 2003

another night of attempting to fall asleep, but failing and ending up on my blogger. but that's ok. i wanted to blog for a while now. you see, my blog was having a few problems for a few days. my stuff would be updated but it wouldn't show up on my current page. but when you looked at my archives, it showed everything. so after going at it for a few days, blogger finally decided to fix it yesterday morning. i was so frustrated i was even thinking about starting a xanga. yeap, that bad.

i forget how i ended up changing my blog. i remember browsing the web and.....oh yeah! i remember now. i was looking for help with my blog b/c it wasn't working. so i typed in "blog" into Altavista's search engine. out came all of these people's blogs with these cool skins that they had customized themselves. i decided to browse through some sites where i can use different templates and i found the one i am currently using right now. all of these cool features that i never had! so i fixed up my blog for a good 4 hours. i am soooo serious dude...html crap really kills time! well, i guess it isn't really html stuff but you know what i mean.

last night, i had my first discipleship thing with eugene so we just went to Chili's for dinner b/c simon was working that night. man, i wasn't even hungry but simon ended up picking out two "surprises" for us. too bad i was too full to enjoy anything. but it was a good time of sharing. nothing crazy deep or serious but we shared a bit. it was good. who would've thought someone like eugene would disciple me? haha. God works in strange ways.

after church, dykas and i just chilled at eugene's apt. with the rest of the irvine guys. last night, i met Grace Um aka Gum. haha. that's such a cool nickname...which reminds me. people at church have started calling me Phykas. like when Genie was introducing me to Grace, she was like, "this is phykas." ugh. i can't believe it's becoming so permanent! i even prefer Phily over that! haha. anyways, grace was a pretty cool chick. 3rd year history major. she's a very nice person to talk to. i doubt i'll ever see her again but it was nice meeting her.

so as the guys were playing Smash for a few hours, i just went on billy's computer and discovered some new music: The Used and The All-American Rejects. pretty good. i'm not THAT into The Used cause they like to do alotta mindless screaming in their music. but i'm happy i discovered two more treasures on my own.

today, dykas, willburt, and minh went snowboarding really early in the morning. i didn't go b/c of financial reasons and i had to do my cursed essay. fortunately, i had a really good day today. it was quiet and peaceful. i woke up at 12:30 and went online for 5 hours. haha. changed my blog and did my essay for 6 hours. man, i never knew i could write so much in an essay. the assignment was to do a 4-6 page paper but i ended up doing 7. man, i seriously just wanted to stop after every paragraph (there's about 10), but i remembered i still hadn't done any psych. reading. so i pushed and pushed and by the grace of God, i conquered that crap! don't you just love that feeling right after you finish writing a long paper? you feel like you just lost 10 pounds or something. haha. i remember when i finished writing my Personal Statement for college apps. i felt like i lost a good 10 pounds then too! but after chang and cj read and critiqued it, i felt like i gained 20. THAT was seriously a baaaaaaaad day for me. they had a great time. i just wanted to jump off a cliff. man, what an unforgettable memory. let's repress that sucker!

so i'm taking my korean class and it's been really good. in alotta ways, it reminds me of korean school back in elementary school. oh how i hated korean! i remember how me and my friends always use to complain to the teacher, "why do we have to learn korean? we live in america! they speak ENGLISH!!!" i also remember how my mom used to tell me that i would thank her someday for these classes that i took every year. boy do i regret not listening to her. i should've taken advantage of korean school. my korean would be spankin' decent if i really tried in those annoying classes. but anyways, korean 1b is a good class. the teacher is really nice and we have this whole course packet full of worksheets, just like in korean school. and there's always those handful of morons in the class that always say stupid things to make the class fun. lol. you know, those guys who really suck at korean and always ask the teacher if they can go to the bathroom? well, not in college but you know the type i'm describing. but i feel like i'm learning alot. all of my korean imperfection reveals little by little. but some of the stuff we have to do seems pretty unnecessary too...

jason: suhn-seng-neem, why do you have to make it so gay?
teacher: mo gaaaaaaaaah?!


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