October 7, 2002

on friday, dykas and i went to our first fellowship nite at CPC. we got a ride from 2 juniors, eugene and chris. dude, these guys are soooooooo so. cal! they have that whole "kick-back," chillllllllll, jeeeeeeaaaahhhhhh attitude you know? haha. it's really cool. like, we'd be sitting there in the car, listening to their conversation and i would seriously feel very laid back. haha. i don't know, it's hard to explain. perhaps some of you know what i'm talking about. others of you think i'm stupid. but this isn't just eugene and chris. this also goes for my other friends at irvine, lawrence, hideo, and ben. everytime we hang out, we're never like..."ok, so this is what we're going to do. lunch at 1. class at 2. hw at 5. dinner at 6. pool at 8. ok?" (i noticed i liked to do this alot. very organinzed and not waste time...well, of course i'm exaggerating but you get the point). but with these guys, it's just like..."hey, what are you doing? oh. wanna go shoot pool? ok. cool." "hey, did you eat dinner yet? oh really? wanna eat again? ok. cool." but anyways, it was cool b/c Eugene bought us In N' Out. our third Freshmen Treat.


eugene: so what did you do today?
me: i woke up at 12. ate at 3. and came here.
eugene: niiiiiiiiiiiice.
me: hahaahhahahaha.

up in nor. cal, i noticed that we don't have Cafe Nites at churches. apparently, they're really common down in so. cal. it's basically a night of performances and video clips for non-christians. gosh, there were some DOPE body worhip performances! i never knew you could do such an awesome job with just 2 or 3 girls! i'm more used to the 50 people doing the same thing altogether to the old school praise song. but there were these 3 girls like doing their own unique thing but making it look like on big picture. it was so cool! i wish i had the video on my computer. as pastor dennis said, "yeah, that was a great performance. it was like body worship on steroids!" ahahahahhahaha. man, that guy is so cool. he's so young, only 26 but he's still a great speaker! even though he talks ghetto, he is still faithful in speaking the gospel. he's got his doctrine straight for sure. also, he's always making fun of the girls during the announcements. "yeah, girls should come out to the football scrimage...cause you know, girls are really good at football." lol. kcpc youth group will really like him as the speaker for the upcoming rally.

i seriously have got down the whole Meeting New Freshmen procedure. it goes something like this for me...

guy: oh hi! what's your name?
me: i'm phil. what's your name?
guy: (says name). so what school do you go to?
me: irvine.
guy: oh really? what year are you?
me: i'm a first year.
guy: oh cool. what's your major?
me: i'm undecided.
guy: oic. that's good. but do you know like what you might want to study?
me: um...maybe something with Education?
guy: wow. that's great. so where are you originally from?
me: i'm from up north, near SF.
guy: oh really? who did you come here with?
me: terrance.
guy: oh, how do you know terrance?
me: we're from the same area. same school and church.
guy: oh, that's great!

i don't know HOW many conversations i've had like this. but it's all good. i'm geting to know people and people are getting to know me. i like the fact that the college group isn't so big. i don't see any clicks and everyone's been really nice to me so far. gosh, there's alotta cool people at CPC. i feel more and more comfortable with the people. some of people have found about the whole "dykas" deal! it's so funny hearing other people calling him dykas. it makes me happy.

i also met the other freshmen in the college group...andrew, sun?, and aaron who goes to irvine. right after church, and i mean RIGHT after church, we all went to a chinese restaurant right next to church called VIP. cheap and quantity, just the way we like it. as we were eating, terrance told me how happy he enjoyed eating with me b/c he doesn't know too many people that eat with passion like me and chang. then we started talking about how much we missed chang. we saw this one girl who barely ate her jjam-bbong and like totally just left it there. i mean, i would understand if she just ate the noodles and nothing else, but her food looked like it had been given one bite to chang. lol. and that reminded me of how chang would react to such a waste of food. "what an abomination!" ahahhahahahahahahha. we were cracking up! *sigh* terrance, my good food buddy. dykas always gets a crack at watching terrance eat.

mike: you wanna know the only reason why i stayed at CPC? it's b/c of VIP.

i finally did my laundry by myself for the first time. gosh, i'm such a spoiled crap...always having my laundry done by my mom. but doing laundry wasn't so bad except for the fact that i had to wait in line for a free machine. it's also easy cause you don't have ALOT of laundry to do like at home. when i'm done, i don't have to worry about separating simon's and mom's clothes. it's all mine, in my cute little basket.

after laundry, me, kevin, dykas, and terrance met up Danny (americana) and ate some Soon Doobu. gosh, that was a most excellent meal. very well cooked Galbi and decent soon doobu. it was a good meal. thank you so much danny (this would be my 4th Freshmen Treat from an upperclassmen). i still need to meet up with Jeff and receive my free dinner. haha.

Thought of the Day: Chris=Korean Girl From Sac.=Beat Me In Bastketball Today.
Song of the Day: Utada Hikaru-Hikari (oh fa sho!)

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