October 16, 2002

gosh, what a day! one day feels like a series of days...

today, i had class and learned alotta new interesting things. i learned about the "phantom limb," which is when people who have amputated body parts still "feel" that they have those body parts. gosh, it's such a sad thing for people with missing arms or legs. i'm too lazy to explain the details but my point is, never take your well-functioning body parts for granted.

i went to South Coast Plaza with Lawrence and Connie today. Connie is Law's friend from high school and she lives on our 2nd floor. man, i really don't like that mall anymore. it's just too big and inconvenient. it's kind of like Great Mall in San Jose but it's a different kind of inconvenient. sometimes, i question what kinda architects we have these days. it's a sad and stupid world folks. anyways, this was also the first mall i've been to that does not have a Millers Outpost. ok, enough said. we all know that this "great" mall is just full of sham.

however, i decided to look at some poolsticks around Sports Chalet and Sportsmart (did you know that they have alotta Sports Chalets and Sav On Drugs in so. cal., but no Longs Drugs?!). i ended up buying a beautiful poolstick for $60 and a case for $15. after tax, it came out to be $80. i was kinda worried that i had gotten a bad deal, but i later checked online to find out that the retail price was $100! i was very hesitant when buying it at first. i'm very picky when it comes to shopping...indecision at its freakin' best. but gosh, after playing with it today, i felt much more encouraged. Hideo started telling me all these good things about it like how solid it is, the good # and size of tips, and a decent weight. thank you God! may this poolstick bring you much glory!

My Poolstick

after shopping, i went straight to Clusters at Eugene's place. we just discussed what we wanna get out of these small groups. we also discussed the whole Giants and Angels going to the Series. man, so many Anaheim fans except for me, dykas, and pastor dennis. haha. but seriously, everyone knows that SF has the craziest Giants fans. we define HARDCORE! anyways, i still think the Giants are going to choke like they always do. but it's pretty cool that they made it this far. it's been what, 12 years? so yeah, Clusters was really nice and short today. but omg, for dinner dykas and i maxed out at BK! man, we ate at like 7:30 and i'm still full! i ate 3 whopper jrs. and 2 tacos. man, talk about being hungry. yeah, it's nice being a freshmen. your hyungs always spot you for cheap meals.

dude, i got a freakin' virus on my computer, something about getting a virus in my spool thing which involves my printer. it said that it couldn't repair and i started worrrying like crazy. it also said that this virus would cause my printer to start printing out alotta garbage and stuff. man, i was seriously freaking out for a few hours. but after printing out a few things, everything seemed fine. it's just a stupid virus that i can't get rid of, but i don't think that it will be a problem. gosh, there's just so much music and videos on my computer. like over 30 gigs. i can't afford to lose my computer....thank you God once again!

a little earlier tonight, i went into Connie's room and was surprised to find this guy named David playing his guitar and singing Let My Words Be Few with Connie? they're christians? and yes, i met some more people in my building. for some reason, people know that i live in Grey Havens but i don't know them at all. very interesting. but i also met jee-ang, kim, and some other people i don't remember. so many people. so many names. incessant.

ok, no more playing. whether i like it or not, i have to cram like crazy for the next two days. cramming begins tomorrow at 7. prayer is encouraged. thanks.

Thought of the Day: It's All About M.E..
Song of the Day: WC-Hoo Bangin' (simon, dl this).

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