October 12, 2002

chris treated me and dykas to some Rubio's last night. gosh dang, Lobster Combo is sooooooo good! it's funny how while i was back at home, chang would always take me to these mysterious places that we'd never heard of. but down here, everyone's like...."have you tried Albert's? how about Albertita's? oh, what about Alberto's?" or something like that. there's sooooooo many places i haven't tried yet, and that's only mexican food. i have yet to try all the good chinese or korean stuff. ugh, freshmen 15.

but man, i'm never going to eat right before church again. food coma was hitting pretty freakin' hard. the friday nights at CPC are basically praise, group discussion over a topic, and then prayer in small groups. it's cool. nice and simple kinda like at kcpc. and of course, after church everyone lounges around...

eugene: we have a tendency to make plans and never do them.

so out when Red Dragon. BUT we went to Eugene's place and hung out there for a while. man, more and more i can't wait til i move into an apartment. it's going to be sooooooo dope! dykas and i wanna move into the same complex as Eugene's. 2 bedrooms. 2 monster closets. kitchen. washer and dryer. man, that's only like $1400-$1600? and it's not so far from campus. i can't wait. i can't wait! it's like the excitement i had before i moved into my dorm. eugene and chris also have an extra fridge in the living room right next to the futon so they don't have to walk all the way to the kitchen to get drinks. lazy bastards. haha. these guys are so cool.

we ended the night with a korean movie, Beat. it's like really old school....when Go So Young actually looked pretty. it was a good movie. a guy movie that is. man, i think these guys have more dvds that PJ! hardcore. dang. man, i never knew eating was so freakin' encouraged in college. like at 2 in the morning, they'd be like cooking teriyaki chicken and they'd continuously ask us if we wanted to eat. haha. "freshmen 15?! you guys are scared of getting fat? what a buncha yujas!"

me: where's eugene?
all of them: (making whip-cracking sounds (supposedy, eugene is incredibly whipped by his gf)).
me: ahahahahahahahhaah.

today, i am going to have to study study study. i have midterms on thurs. and fri.. but after studying, me and like 20 other guys are going to go watch Transporter at The Block, some big plaza with a huge movie theatre. studying hard. playing hard. the college life.

Thought of the Day: "WA-POW!"
Song of the Day: Utada Hikaru-Hikari

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