July 24, 2002

so i'm supposed to be leaving for irvine in a few hours. unfortunately, i am a prisoner to my insomnia right now. i tried going to bed around 9 so i could get about 6 hours of sleep. i awoke around 11 and watched some tv. i went back to bed after simpsons and just could not fall asleep. i played some chess with simon and went online til 2. for 30 min., i remained captive to this sleepless curse. so here i am, blogging. nothing else to do.

this past weekend was just full of chang chang CHANG! we played lots of chess, went to some good burger joints, and ran alotta his errands. chang took me to Barney's for the first time after lying to me, promising to take me to La Burrita. anyways, the burger was most excellent. it's definitely up there on my top 10 list...perhaps #1? the thing that i really liked about it was that it wasn't super duper greasy. it was big, filling, and almost healthy? for dinner, i was once again promised a dinner at La Burrita (i am officially addicted to the Cheesesteak Burrito). however, jomo wanted to take us to this place called Rubio's. i was initially unhappy about this, but my meal definitely made up for it. they have this thing called the Lobster Burrito. it sounds disgusting but it tastes pretty good. very unique. Rubio's is like a MUCH better version of Una Mas. thanks again jomo. and finally, my chang weekend concluded with him coming over to my house, playing chess with simon.

simon: checkmate.
chang: DUDE! you KNOW that game was supposed to be mine. admit it simon. admit it before i rip you apart. admit before i "jjejuh" your "beh!" ("rip your stomach open" in korean).
simon: okok! that game was yours!
chang: GOSH!

it's really nice not working for once! i have like hecka weeks off b/c i'm on "vacation!" so here's my new master plan for this week.

1. go to irvine in a few hours.
2. come back thurs. night and rest.
3. go shopping and pack for korea.
4. go to ficy.
5. stay up so i'll be tired enough to sleep on the plane.
6. korea! freedom!

hmmmm, i wonder how the missions people are doing?

Thought of the Day: i JUST want to sleep!
Song of the Day: EOS-Not A Stranger

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