June 8, 2002

How many of you believe in the theory of evolution? Why or why not? It is a fact that less than 10 percent of the American public wholeheartedly believes in this theory. It is a fact that Darwinism, or the belief that evolution is the foundation of life, is being taught in all the public schools in its science classes. Many believe that it is a fact that through many years of scientific research, there is much evidence for the existence of evolution. However, I believe that evolution should either be taught along with the theories of Creationism, which is the belief in a creator who made everything with a purpose and design, or the theory of evolution should not be taught at all. Although science has been believed to prove the theory correct, there is still no solid evidence for the allowance of teaching Darwinism alone.

Darwin��s theory has been taught in schools for decades now. Students walk into their classrooms with an open mind, but walk out thinking they just learned something valuable without even questioning the facts. Many people see the Fossil Record as a solid piece of evidence for the theory of evolution. They argue that there are many fossils that have been discovered over the course of years and that we can clearly see the changes in process. Unfortunately, many people do not even bother to investigate the Fossil Record. The reality is that the record is very unclear with many holes. Why is it that there is an absence of ancestors for the major animal groups that appear in the Cambrian explosion? Why is it that we cannot see a gradual change in any species? Any unbiased scientist will tell you that there just is not enough evidence in the Fossil Record to support the theory of evolution. The evidence has a hole here and a hole there. Evolutionists just assume that there is a connection between those two fossils. It is also important to remember that fossils that are found go through hundreds and thousands of years of change from weather, environment, and natural disasters. It is not safe to assume that there are evolved animals because of ��changed�� fossils. The fossil record does not prove anything. Unfortunately, many scientists continue to investigate and look for small hints that will support the theory.

Darwin was also known for going to the Galopogas Islands and making observations about the birds of that land. He investigated the finches and saw that these birds had different sized beaks in different areas of the islands. He believed that this was a cause of evolution, and decided to use it as another piece of evidence. Too many people forget that the changes in the finch beak are minor variations in the species. This only supports micro-evolution, and not macro-evolution. Micro-evolution, which can be observed through today��s microscopes, makes small changes to the body. Macro-evolution creates improvements in body parts or complex organs, which could make it a different species. According to scientists, the Earth that we live in right now is approximately 4.6 billion years old. Whether this is true or not, an unbiased scientist will tell you that there just would not be enough time for simple cells to evolve into the creatures that we see today. Darwinists give these arguments without even knowing what exactly they are talking about.

In 1995, the official Position Statement of the American National Association of Biology Teachers stated:

��The diversity of life on earth is the outcome of evolution: an unsupervised, impersonal, unpredictable and natural process of temporal descent with genetic modification that is affected by natural selection, chance, historical contingencies and changing environments.��

In other words, the famous evolutionist, George Simpson, would interpret this as, ��Man is the result of a purposeless and natural process that did not have him in mind.�� This definition clearly shows many problems with the theory of evolution. With today��s technology, we can do many great things with animals and their cells. Some evolutionists like to use dog breeding as a clear example of evolution. However, this would contradict the definition of the theory because it is defined to be ��an unsupervised, impersonal, unpredictable and natural process.�� Dog breeding is obviously guided by intelligence and not by chance. This also is just another case of minor variation. Scientists will also argue that mutation is a form of evolution that can easily be proved. It does not contradict the definition of evolution, but it cannot be used as supporting evidence either. Mutation has been studied and found to lead to unfavorable conditions to species. According to Natural Selection, mutated species die out because they are not ��fit enough to survive.�� We see many people with mutations or diseases today and it is obvious that they have much trouble living in this world. In today��s society, we can also see that humans have emotions such as anger, depression, and happiness. However, how is that a purposeless and random process like evolution, make tiny cells into complex organisms with feelings? Things like morals or ethics would have no meaning because they would just be chemical reactions in the brain. Darwinism is as absurd as the belief in a flat Earth. The evidence for evolution is false evidence. They are just scientific claims that have no support or foundation.

In conclusion, one can see many problems with the theory of evolution. However, I believe the biggest problem is the fact that it is being taught in our public schools as fact, and not theory. Many students like you and I have trouble seeing what is true or false. We tend to assume that textbooks always speak the truth. I understand that evolution is a theory and many people support it. However, I believe it is even more important that we show that is just a theory and that there are many problems with it. If we are going to have schools teach Darwinism to the students, it would only be fair that they also teach Creationism as well. If they are not willing to teach Creationism, Darwinism should not be taught either. After all, Darwinism is a philosophy as well. So once again, I ask you: How many of you believe in the theory of evolution? Why or why not? Thank you.

(that's right...i wrote this all by myself!)

Thought of the Day: Tony Roma's is ALOT better than Outback!
Song of the Day: Eminem-Without Me (remixed by chang mo. lol.)

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