May 20, 2002

those gom-tang restaurants in berkeley weren't THAT great. all it did was burn my tongue and make me incredibly full for 6 bucks. i mean, it was alrite but not good enough to appreciate. in fact, i would've been much happier with a "#25 LAH!" at Vietnam village. geez, i haven't had pho in like 3 months now? the last time i can clearly remember eating pho was the time i had to finish simon's bowl...which was in february? ouch! that's just way too long. however, i do not have any desire or craving to eat vietnamise noodles these days. i guess this could be a good thing cause the stuff isn't necessarily good for you and every bowl costs 6 bucks. but of course, i substitute pho with other things like Burger King or In N' Out...gourmet i tell ya!

AMC 20 is the best movie theatre in the world! it's inside a nice plaza that has Jamba Juice and Tomatina's. the weather always seems to be very nice in that city too. i got a chance to watch Episode 2 and About A Boy. Star Wars had alotta cool graphics...i loved the spaceships and the cool looking monsters. oh, i also think natalie portman (that's her name right?) was really pretty too. i don't think the guy was all that great...he could really work on his acting. but yeah, Yoda really made the movie worthwhile...all who saw it know what i mean. About A Boy was pretty funny. i have much more respect for British people now, especially Hugh Grant. that guy is one witty mother!

Boy: look! a tamborine!
Hugh Grant: yeah, that'll come in handy!

knocked off Boyz in the Hood and Little Man Tate off my list. i still have 8 mm, Pulp Fiction, and Top Gun. i have never been on such a movie craze in my life. man, i'm going to be a freak in college! now, i understand how chang's friend, jeff, got the Gold Blockbuster Rewards Card. lol. i won't go that far though...right?

so today, we went to the museum in SF for our biology field trip. man, that crap was pretty cool! we got to see ugly looking fish and scary looking sharks. we went through the fossils and got to see the Far Side exibits too! haha. that thing was new. dang, looking at all the animals and stuff just left me in awe. pat and i discussed how great our God is, the God who created ALL of the animals in the world! how amazing and beautiful! each creature, so specific and unique in its own way! however, all of my appreciaton for the museum immediately disappeared as soon as i saw the Evolution stuff coming up. they showed all these fossils and attempted to show connections between different insects. dang, i felt like everyone in the room was ignorant except for me. everyone was OOOOOing and AHHHHing at all those stupid "proofs." *sigh* i am left in even more disgust after reading Philp Johnson's book. according to chang, i guess i DID get alotta out of his book. i already wrote up my evolution speech and it's almost near it's masterpiece. haha. it's not THAT great, but chang made me feel all special. geez, that guy can really encourage you in some ways (Bible stuff) and REALLY discourage you in other ways (chess stuff). inconsistent crap.

i had a very fortunate day tutoring my student, julia, today. as we were tutoring, i commented on her led pencil and she asked me if i wanted it. i laughed and said no thanks. as i was about to leave, she gave me the pencil, emptied her other led pencils, and game me some more led. lol. how cute. why can't we have more people like my student? so giving. so generous. or perhaps so weird? =D anyways, i also asked her mom if she knew any other kids i might be able to tutor. she said she knew this one girl and she said she'd ask. and since today was pay day, she gave me a twenty and....ahahahahaha...gave me two extra bucks as a tip. "you need a little extra from time to time." lol. what a cool mom! the thing i like about them is that they're very consistent in their schedule. it's monday at 7:00 EVERY time! i don't have to worry about changing a thing! john, you could learn a thing or two from them dawg! j/k. you're not THAT bad...*sigh* THAT bad.

i am so happy! DYKAS got into irvine through appeal! that boy was trippin over getting in and crap but i KNEW he'd be able to get in! i'm so happy i'll be having at least ONE friend going down to irvine with me. i also found out that Naomi Yeh got in...surprise surprise! i guess i'm happy for her too. i can't say we'll be hecka tight but eh!

AzN1283 (10:59:00 PM): haha yes!!!
AzN1283 (10:59:07 PM): i was so frekain happy when i saw it
AzN1283 (10:59:10 PM): i couldnt' sit still
AzN1283 (10:59:21 PM): and i jus freakin sang hella loud and walked aoround like a baboon

dang, i have so much on mind right now. i could write all night! but of course sleep is a valuable thing. such a valuable thing. reader, did you know that you need 9 hours and 15 min. of sleep to be alert throughout the whole day? yeah, i never knew either. nite!

Thought of the Day: Dang, i couldn't even break one week!
Song of the Day: Everlasting Grace (i looooove this song!)

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