March 21, 2002

pat and i have been arguing about the movie, "Training Day."

pat: man, Training Day was tiiiiiight!
me: dude, that movie was soooo bad!
pat: dude, at Blockbuster i ask all these people if they liked the movie or not. ALL of them said yes except for this old grandma. THAT GRANDMA WAS YOU!!! (cracking up hysterically).
me: ahahahahhaha. (what an idiot!)..

college has still been the talk around school. unfortunately, the conversations haven't exactly been the nicest ones. so many people are bitter about this guy named William who got into UCLA. William is a very annoying student who likes to annoy other students so that they will be annoyed with him. i have to admit that he didn't deserve to get in with his academics. i mean, even MY academics were better....haha. anyways, he's being really cocky and bragging about it to alot of people these days. if you're a senior at mills, it's likely that you hate him with a passion...but not ME, i'm a good christian!

random question to all "wise" teachers (or anyone else who thinks they're smart): what causes apathy? (i'm too lazy to think of an answer). thanks.

Thought of the Day: Should have gone to Hillsdale.
Song of the Day: Da Youngsta's-Iz U Wit Me (Pete Rock Remix)

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