You kissed me on the cheek.
You kissed me on the ear.
You kissed me on the neck.
You were bold in kissing my chest and stomach.
You even made your way down to kiss me all over my legs and feet.
You usually love to kiss my hand and arms.
You even kissed me in the eye before.
But last night, did you really have to kiss my upper lip?
Smash you, mosquito!
Thought of the Day: 종성
Song of the Day: Deli Spice-9월
June 30, 2009
June 28, 2009

An Egyptian court gave custody of two 15-year-old twins to a mother but would not allow them to change their religious affiliation to Christian on their ID cards. All citizens are required to carry these cards in order to receive government as well as private services such as education, employment, and bank transactions. The twin boys may be disqualified for Christian education because of their religious affiliation on the ID cards.
This week has been full of CPC. I saw Esther on Wednesday. I met Eunice and Stephanie on Saturday. I recently realized that Eunice was now a junior in college. Stephanie graduated. Christine Kim graduated and will be in Paraguay for a year or so. Prairie is going to be a senior. I swear it's time travel. But one thing remains constant. Terrance is still in youth group. Faithful.
I love this picture of 종성 in Mongolia. We finally learned and started practicing a song and the body motions. My love for the team grows every week. I am so encouraged just by how much people step up and volunteer to take care of various needs. I love how we have some awesome KM people who feed us very well every week. As Ella said, "기대된다!"
Zal-bri, zal-bri, hallelujah!
Thought of the Day: 해숙장?
Song of the Day: Buchiklej Bagdaa
June 24, 2009
So there were only three movies that I was looking forward to this summer: 

The first one sucked really really bad. But 전지현's English was better than I had expected.

The second was better than I had expected. I enjoyed the fight scenes very much. Favorite quote from the movie: "Punk ass Decepticons!"
The third one will not be released in Korea as far as I know. Tarantino hasn't been out in a while, but he's never disappointed me yet.
Thought of the Day: Tuck Everlasting
Song of the Day: Humming Urban Stereo-샐러드 기념일
June 22, 2009
I got four immunization shots yesterday to get ready for Mongolia. The shots themselves were surprisingly painless, but the effects of the shots have been otherwise. My arms were so sore last night that I kept waking up from even the slightest motion from either arm. Throughout the day, I felt so weak and tired too. At first, I blamed it on the lack of sleep, but I soon realized that the immunization was just doing its work. No pain, no gain...unfortunately.
But one pain that I absolutely cannot stand is my landlord's wife. She's got THE most annoying voice that always blurts out in a complaining tone. Since her body is in old 아줌마 time, she stays up late yelling and fighting over Go/Stop games OUTSIDE IN THE STREET but wakes up early to fuss over some trivial matter with her homegirls OUTSIDE IN THE STREET. I know that 아줌마s can be loud, but this switch is a whole new ball game. It's not like I can tell her to STOP TALKING LIKE THAT! Fortunately, I was able to think of the perfect mixed candidate for her appearance and sound.
아줌마 the Gonzo/Animal. Really, you'd be surprised.
Thought of the Day: Reformat
Song of the Day: Humming Urban Stereo-샐러드 기념일
But one pain that I absolutely cannot stand is my landlord's wife. She's got THE most annoying voice that always blurts out in a complaining tone. Since her body is in old 아줌마 time, she stays up late yelling and fighting over Go/Stop games OUTSIDE IN THE STREET but wakes up early to fuss over some trivial matter with her homegirls OUTSIDE IN THE STREET. I know that 아줌마s can be loud, but this switch is a whole new ball game. It's not like I can tell her to STOP TALKING LIKE THAT! Fortunately, I was able to think of the perfect mixed candidate for her appearance and sound.
아줌마 the Gonzo/Animal. Really, you'd be surprised.
Thought of the Day: Reformat
Song of the Day: Humming Urban Stereo-샐러드 기념일
June 20, 2009

Police officers have disrupted services at Agape Baptist on April 19, May 24, May 31, and June 7. Worshipers, including women, were beaten. The pastor and elder were arrested, put into separate cells, and beaten by a gang of five policemen. They were beat in a way that did not leave any marks: hard blows to the stomach. Petitions to the government for religious freedom are ignored or denied. The leaders of this church say, "Persecution is a sign that the Lord is at work," but they feel pain in seeing their Christian family disrespected, mistreated, and abused.
Thought of the Day: LOST Season 5
Song of the Day: Humming Urban Stereo-Salad Day
June 15, 2009
June 14, 2009

A Christian couple has been sentenced to 8 weeks in jail for distributing gospel material in the mail. This act was seen as offensive, insensitive, and ignorant of others' race and religion. Pray for this couple and the other Singaporean Christians who live in this religiously sensitive country.
Summer is a very difficult time for me for two reasons. Mosquitoes and sweat. The heat only bothers me because my body tends to overheat more quickly and intensely than others. All of my life, I was always that sweaty kid with red cheeks after P.E. My 6th grade yearbook picture shows me all wet in my face and shirt because I played an innocent game of basketball in the morning. My homeroom teacher was actually very disgusted and gave me a harsh scolding about looking proper at school. I mean, what could I say except that I was sorry?
One time, this kid was guarding me in basketball until we made contact. "으악! 땀!!!" I've gotten so embarrassed at how wet I am that I've even left early even though I wanted to play more.

Thought of the Day: 어른아이
Song of the Day: Green Day-Jesus Of Suburbia
June 10, 2009

Thought of the Day: Katie
Song of the Day: Mai Fukui-Lucky
June 8, 2009
It's amazing how there were supposedly absolutely (but unlikely) no June birthdays in the EM. But in the past couple of weeks, I've been finding out that many non-church people were born this month.
3 students
2 high school friends
1 former coworker
1 Snugs
1 Kenny(?)
Happy Birthday to all.
Thought of the Day: Basketball
Song of the Day: Green Day-Jesus of Suburbia
3 students
2 high school friends
1 former coworker
1 Snugs
1 Kenny(?)
Happy Birthday to all.
Thought of the Day: Basketball
Song of the Day: Green Day-Jesus of Suburbia
June 6, 2009

This book is about a teacher who changed the lives of several high school students who lived in the ghetto. Instead of reading a story with a clear plot, this book was full of real life diary entries from students who were in Ms. Erin Gruwell's class. This teacher was (is) a truly amazing teacher who made a difference in the world around her. I wonder how I can be an effective teacher to my students just by tutoring them in English. How can a teacher be a teacher who can change lives? Ms. G said, "Evil prevails when good people do nothing." I thought that was powerful.
Here's a brief passage from a student's entry that stood out to me the most:
"Since my dad was the only source of income before he got sick, I've had to become the man of the house. Being the man of the house means no more school for me and certainly more working hours. I also have to cheer up my mom and my younger brother. This is very hard for me because half the time I feel like crying, but I want them to think I'm strong. So most of the time, I hide behind a mask."
I am tired from 10 hours of Go/Stop.
Thought of the Day: W Burger
Song of the Day: Kim Ah Joong-Over The Rainbow
June 1, 2009

Thought of the Day: UC Irvine
Song of the Day: Gavy NJ-Twilight
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