One of the three lawyers that I teach is a single lady in her forties. Today, we talked about her hobbies such as dancing and COMIC BOOKS! Supposedly, she has 300-400 comic books at her place that take up three to four bookshelves. She started reading comic books in college and hasn't stopped since. But one interesting thing she told me was that she no longer enjoyed "ordinary" books or movies because she felt that she had already experienced enough of that in her life. At her age, she wanted to see fantasy or unusual things that she would never be able to encounter. I thought that was so true yet interesting. Comic books. Her escape from reality.

Today, one of my students ran out of his room, grabbed bugs spray, and started spraying me because of a tiny tiny bug that was on my shirt. My shirt and pants were perfect targets, but the bastard totally missed the bug, which I merely flicked to the ground. I grew up hating the word, "stupid," but my student showed me a whole new level of qualification.

Tonight, I had 삼겹살 with my dad (big surprise, right?). Whenever we have our meat and soju together, family always comes up in our conversation. One particular thing we enjoy discussing is how different my brother and I are. Tonight's topic was greed, rather ambition. My dad said that I was never an ambitious person while my brother showed a little more need for the greed. Supposedly, my brother had told my dad at his middle school graduation that he was going to go to a better college than me. The amazing thing is that Simon was right! My UCLA brother really is a greedy little bastard. Haha.

I recently learned that I like indie music, particularly Korean indie rock. Maybe it's because I'm so sick of the typical pop stuff that all sounds the same. Maybe I'm just getting older and growing a desire to have a more peaceful or calmer sound. Maybe I'm just an indie person who wants to confirm to himself that he is different and unique. Whatever it is, I like indie music, particularly Korean indie rock.

A handful of people know how much I love to talk crap while playing games. Particularly ex-youth group kids like Curtis or Simon know that I have a cocky lip. I realized that I got it from my dad after playing so much Go/Stop with him these past few weeks. There'd be nights where I'd be losing several games in a row and he'd literally beat his chest just to tell me that his heart hurt from seeing me lose so much. It's seriously like looking into a mirror. I guess "cocky" isn't the best choice of words. "Provocative" is more appropriate. 약올리다 is even better. I've toned down A LOT, but genes are genes.

These days, I'm reading a book called "Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World." It's the first time in a long time where I'm reading a book on a historical figure. The last time that I can clearly remember reading about a famous person out of leisure was a biography on George Washington back when I was in 4th grade. Hehe. Anyway, I always knew that Genghis conquered a lot of stuff, but I never knew that he was incomparable in all of history! Apparently, at his height, homeboy had conquered more area of land than all of North America (that's right, that includes Canada!). Weatherford writes, "Genghis Khan recognized that warfare was not a sporting contest or a mere match between rivals; it was a total commitment of one people against another. Victory did not come to the one who played by the rules; it came to the one who made the rules and imposed them on the enemy. Triumph could not be partial. It was complete, total, and undeniable-or it was nothing." On a purely secular level, Genghis Khan truly was DA MAN. My excitement for Mongolia grows!
Thought of the Day: Katie
Song of the Day: Mai Fukui-Lucky
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