An Egyptian court gave custody of two 15-year-old twins to a mother but would not allow them to change their religious affiliation to Christian on their ID cards. All citizens are required to carry these cards in order to receive government as well as private services such as education, employment, and bank transactions. The twin boys may be disqualified for Christian education because of their religious affiliation on the ID cards.
This week has been full of CPC. I saw Esther on Wednesday. I met Eunice and Stephanie on Saturday. I recently realized that Eunice was now a junior in college. Stephanie graduated. Christine Kim graduated and will be in Paraguay for a year or so. Prairie is going to be a senior. I swear it's time travel. But one thing remains constant. Terrance is still in youth group. Faithful.
I love this picture of 종성 in Mongolia. We finally learned and started practicing a song and the body motions. My love for the team grows every week. I am so encouraged just by how much people step up and volunteer to take care of various needs. I love how we have some awesome KM people who feed us very well every week. As Ella said, "기대된다!"
Zal-bri, zal-bri, hallelujah!
Thought of the Day: 해숙장?
Song of the Day: Buchiklej Bagdaa
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