I just got back from having a Thanksgiving Dinner (samgyupsal) with my coworker, Brian. I asked him what he was thankful for, and he said that he felt like he was moving up in life in terms of making money and having hopes for a good future. I told him that as a Christian, I was grateful that I had a good church in Korea because one's church can have a great effect on the other parts of that person's life. Of course, this opened up a can of worms, and we discussed Christianity and my experiences with it.
I feel like my conversations about God or the Bible don't really go anywhere. It usually ends up with the non-Christian respecting what I believe and him just continuing to accept his life of uncertainty and trying to make the most of his time on earth. They don't really ask me questions or challenge my faith in Christ. Why are they so afraid of offending me? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Truly, hearts of stone can only be made into flesh by the Creator of all hearts. There is seriously NOTHING in my hands!
Anyways, here's a few things that I'm consistently grateful for:
1. Family-My family may be separated, but I think there's a lot of love in our Chung unit. I'm not even talking about divorce, adultery, or communication issues. We're just very healthy and happy with one another!
2. Health-I don't have any ear infections, sore throats, neck pains, or even any allergies! I don't even know what a migraine feels like because I've never had one in my life. I can't remember the last time I had real health insurance, but I've been doing fine without it.
*You may not believe this, but ever since I took my brain and behavior classes in college, I've always had a strong appreciation for the various physical and mental abilities I have like visual perception or motor skills. Take a minute to think about the complex activities you are able to do thanks to a healthy and functional brain. Brilliant!
3. Job-I know that I don't have the best job in the world, but I sure am able to provide for myself and my family. There are too many people in the world who are working twice the amount that I do without getting paid half the money I make. Less complaining, more thanking.
4. Shelter-I've never had to sleep in the streets, garage, or even a car. I have a bed, blanket, desk, computer, internet, bathroom...the works. I know a homeless man who sleeps outside about a block away from my place. He'd kill to live inside here.
5. Safety-I don't have to worry about being abused, tortured, or killed. I don't know what war is like. There are no oppressors or dangerous threats where I live. There are children in Africa who are always on the run cause they're either going to get mutilated or brainwashed into mutilating others.
6. Friends-I've never had to worry about being lonely. Wherever I've gone, the Lord has blessed me with amazing people who can make me laugh and smile. I am comforted by the idea that there is at least one friend who is always praying for me. I get mad love for a person who doesn't really love that much.
7. Freedom of Religion-Lucky Number Seven would definitely have to be my freedom from persecution. I can read, pray, talk, and even sing about Christ without a single worry. I can freely gather with other Christians to worship God and even invite others to join us. It's all good.
8. Material Pleasures-I am always grateful for every song and movie I have access to. My cell phone provides excellent convenience for my Korean lifestyle, and I never fail to take my ipod wherever I go. I don't have much of a fashion sense, but I'm very happy with the clothes that I am able to wear every week. Thank you, laptop, for keeping me sane inside my household!
The list obviously never ends, but these are the big things that I'm consistently grateful for on a daily basis. Although they are all gifts from the Lord, some day, all of these things will disappear. What wonderful gifts does He have in store for us in our eternal home? Til then, y'all be grateful now!
Thought of the Day: Smell like potatoes.
Song of the Day: Stone Temple Pilots-Interstate Love Song
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