Fall was beautiful for many weeks, but I think Winter has finally kicked in. Today, I had to bust out my faithful black scarf and turn my shower faucet to half way to get the hot water going. I even started listening to Christmas music again. I forgot how cold and miserable winter could be. -2 degrees, dude! How do those Russians survive out there?
Here's a picture of one of my students' essays that was poorly written. As you can see, he was sorry about the bad work. I had a smile just as big as the one on the paper.
This is my favorite class at Elite: TOEFL. I have a love/hate relationship with this class cause they give me the most workload and stress, but it's also the most rewarding and fun. Their English is super good, so they can understand all of my jokes and even do a pretty good job of making me laugh too. It's also really interesting seeing puberty at work in these students.
Tomorrow's the last day I'll be seeing Mike and Karen. Freakin' two hit combo!
Thought of the Day: Cold.
Song of the Day: The Chi-Lites-Oh Girl
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