Two and a half years ago, Carol Lee asked me if I could help out with Artesia Outreach. Who would have known that saying YES to that question would ultimately mean saying YES to leading that ministry? It is incredible to see how much this ministry has changed in the past few years. The Lord has brought about much structure, organization, students, servants, and of course, evangelism in Artesia Outreach. Nevertheless, we cannot forget the many discouragements, struggles, and hardships that were endured.
I think Artesia Outreach is one of those ministries that people are turned off by as soon as they hear the words, "sacrifice", "tutoring", and "Saturday mornings." Don't get me wrong. I used to be one of those people as I assumed that there were so many others who were more qualified and passionate about this ministry. At the same time, my encouragement to the Church is to tweak your perspective into an evangelical one. As soon as one sees Artesia Outreach as just a free tutoring program for the community, it will eventually become an unhappy chore. But if you can see this ministry as a participation in the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), your service becomes a privilege and a joy.
God has blessed Artesia Outreach with some wonderful servants who continually bless me. More than the kind words and grateful attitudes that are expressed to me as their leader, I am encouraged by the humility, consistency, and commitment of the members of Outreach. When I am discouraged by the lack of tutors or misbehavior of students, I take great comfort in the fact that I do not face these sufferings alone (2 Cor. 1:3-11). Praise God that He chooses to use the weak things of this world to do great things for His glory!
This past year, we experienced a huge influx of Youth Group volunteers who helped meet our 1:1 teacher/student ratio. We also had a few College Group students join our Saturday task. However, with only Gilmer Yuon faithfully committing to this ministry, my hope is to see more EM volunteers who will respond to the need for more servants. Church of Christ, Artesia Outreach continually prays for your participation in serving the Lord!
Thought of the Day: SUPERMAN!
Song of the Day: Rebecca St. James-Lord Come Quickly