-Notting Hill

here's some random news that no one really cares about: i sold my black graphite poolstick along with my brother's crappy excuse for wood. well, i haven't sold them yet, but i just wanted to get rid of my stick cause graphite cues really suck and wasn't doing me much good. so what better place to get rid of crap that you don't feel like packaging and shipping? isolditonebay store! i know i won't get as much for it but really, you're paying for the convenience. but not only did i sell our sticks; i also bought two new ones for $55. nothing special or pretty. just two plain cues that'll please me more than graphite garbage. man, i truly hated that stick. thank goodness it's off my hands.

this past Father's Day, June 18th, marked the one year anniversary since my family moved down to Buena Park. in this past year, i learned that my brother is very very forgetful. he always forgets to put his shoes away. he doesn't put his computer on standby. he doesn't do the dishes when he's supposed to, and my mom ends up doing them for him. yes, folks, my brother is an idiot and i can get very upset with him. the fact that he never corrects his mistakes doesn't help either. i'm sure if you ask him about his forgetfulness, he'll probably exclaim that i am exaggerating or absolutely fallacious. i tell him and tell him, but he doesn't change. today, i was reminded of my sinfulness and forgetfulness of the Gospel. i am no different from those idiot Israelites in 1 and 2 King/Chronicles who always forgot the Lord. i have the Bible, prayer, the church, and even Christian books and music to help me remember to live in obedience to Christ. there will always be people who upset you because of their sinfulness and imperfection. but may we continually be reminded of our humble Lord who incessantly shows us love and grace no matter how much we forget Him (Philippians 2).
Thought of the Day: Natural Numbers.
Song of the Day: Biggie-Juicy
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