i'm really bored these days. reading books and watching movies can only entertain you for so long. i actually got really excited when my brother asked me to pick him up from school because the bus driver was late. i can't even fall asleep early only to leave me waking up at 11 every morning. this may disgust you but i'm actually longing for school. productivity. mind stimulation. hot girls. no, just kidding about the hot girls (i know everyone believes there is some truth behind every joke, but REALLY, just kidding). due to my lack of activities, i've been spending much of my time thinking about upcoming events, random people, and of course, myself.
i'm really looking forward to leading clusters this year. it's like having a fresh batch of people since so many couldn't commit last year. new group, new leader, and a new book pretty much makes it a new year.
i feel like a ton of people have hooked up in the past 6 months when it's only been 4 couples. well, i guess 4 is a pretty big number when you're referring to relationships. of course when people start hooking up with each other, you can't help but wonder about yourself. "i wonder when I'M going to meet her?" a number of stupid people still remind me that i only have until winter time til i have to commit to lifetime missions. (shaking head). but nevertheless, it is something that i think about alot. since i'm getting a bit older, i do hear of more people in my life who are getting married or having a baby. haha. i can espy the pressure from a distance (i really like that word: espy). but like most people, that special someone pops up when you least expect it...which leads me to another common thought.
korea. i only have one more year of college left. and i'm sure that just like the others, this year will go by hella fast. my "future plans" are approaching and mere dreams are slowly becoming exciting realities. of course, ANYTHING can happen between now and next summer, but things seem to be going along its course just as i had planned. different culture, different people, and DIFFERENT CHURCH pretty much makes it a different life. i take much comfort in this, "escape", if you will.
so these are just a few of my fa-vo-rite things...i mean thoughts. random: as much as i hate boy bands, i cannot stop loving the Backstreet Boys' "Quit Playing Games With My Heart". i hadn't heard it in a while until yesterday when it randomly popped up on my winamp playlist. it made me really happy.
i'm trying to make it a habit to not babble when i pray now. you may not know it, but i probably pray for you just about everyday. haha. i need to stop writing now.
Thought of the Day: Movies are my escape.
Song of the Day: Super Mario's Sleigh Ride OC ReMix