audrey hepburn was truly beautiful. i always thought she was overrated with her famous "Breakfast at Tiffany's" pictures. i mean, i didn't think she was ugly or anything...just not THAT great. but after watching Roman Holiday, my eyes fell in love with her small, innocent face. i don't know what it is. she just looks so unique!
after i finished watching the movie, i watched the special features and there was a short clip of her giving a speech back in 1992. obviously, she had aged over the years and lost much of her young beauty. i found out that she passed away a year after that speech. beauty is fleeting. fame is fleeting. and of course, life is fleeting.
so many of us adore the beautiful people of our society. actors and actresses become stars and role models. they are admired and idolized. when it comes down to it, beauty can be seen as a good thing. it is desirable and gives pleasure to the eye. but when we see beautiful people (such as Audrey Hepburn), we tend to praise them for looking so good as if they did something to earn that beauty. we unconsciously say to ourselves, "Good work, beautiful person! Job well done!" but when i think about all of the attractive people i've seen or known, i realize that not a single one of them deserved any of their physically postive qualities. they did not choose their genetic makeup or the environments they lived in. everything that they are is because of the one who made them beautiful.
too often, we forget that the creator is the one to be praised and not the creation. this obviously goes beyond beauty. take any piece of creation-music, art, sports, even technology. every skill, technique, and function is beautiful because its maker is beautiful. Beethoven's 9th symphony is not awesome because Beethoven was awesome. God is awesome. the Pythagorean Theorem doesn't make Pythagoras an intelligent being. God is an intelligent being! i think you get my point. so in conclusion, Audrey Hepburn was not beautiful because of anything she had done. rather, our God who MADE her beautiful is infinitely more beautiful and worthy of praise than any piece of creation our Lord has decreed. amen.
Thought of the Day: Studying on Sundays.
Song of the Day: Yann Tiersen-Comptine d'un autre ete
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