April 14, 2003

you know, i was thinking about how people do nice things for each other. example: treating to a movie, helping with a math problem, giving a friend a ride, etc.. why do we do nice things for each other? and i think i was reading my psychology book and it said something like people do these things for selfish reasons. people expect something in return for these "kind" acts. if you drive someone somewhere, you EXPECT a thank you. if you buy someone a gift, you EXPECT them to get you one too (don't we all during x-mas?). the list goes on and on. and i was thinking about how i tell myself that i should be nice and do all these things b/c it's a "christian" thing to do. but gosh, i don't think i've ever done a free deed w/o selfish reasons. i mean, i'll tell myself that it's a good thing to do but unconsciously i'll want something in return...even if it means having that person think that i'm a nice person. i'm a selfish bastard no?

this week is Passion Week which has Good Friday and Easter towards the end. alotta people have decided to fast throughout the week through not eating a meal, no aim, or no tv. i think that's great and all how we're sacrificing our regular "necessities" of life for God this week. however, i think too many times people forget WHY and HOW we are to fast. like if someone is fasting from eating, they grumble and complain about how hungry they are. or if someone can't use their computer, they let everyone know about how they're sacrificing such a big thing for a whole week. but gosh, what does Jesus tell us in the Bible? we are not to be like the pharisees who try to get everyone's attention to be worthy of sympathy and praise. guys, we are called to fast in secret with God. this does not mean that you can't tell anybody that you're fasting, but you shouldn't go running around your campus yelling how you haven't eaten for 12 hours! and when you fast, you don't just abstain from the act that you're sacrificing. those times of sacrifice ought to be used in times of meditation...prayer and scripture. i mean, what's the whole point of fasting and just going along with your regular day? that's right, i don't see any significance in it either. guys, not only do i encourage you to fast during this week, but really think about HOW and WHY you're fasting. and i know i'm guilty of this too but fasting shouldn't only be done on these special occasions. these moments should continue even after easter or any other day. guys, let us try to focus on Christ's death and what it means for us this week.

finally finished Jeremiah. on to Lamentations.

Thought of the Day: Praise God!
Song of the Day: Chris Tomlin-Everything

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