April 19, 2003

the long awaited thursday was In N' Out Nite! all you can eat In N' Out cheeseburgers for dinner! i remember when i was taking the Middle Earth tour during the summer, the tour guide told us about different themes that they had in the dining halls throughout the year, and the only one i remembered was In N' Out Nite. haha. i was so excited this week that my JJOT crew and i postponed riverside's visit to next week. so my record for In N' Out is 3 cheeseburgers including fries. on thursday, since i hadn't had a SINGLE thing to eat the whole day (not even water) and b/c i had unloaded right before dinner, i was able to finish 4 cheeseburgers including fries! i honestly could have forced down a fifth but that would have just been gluttonous. man, i can't believe "karen" ate 4 cheeseburgers AND a grip of ribs! haha. but i knew that his 4th burger was totally forced cause he felt like throwing up afterwards. lol.

this week has been a pretty good week for me. very chill in terms of school. i basically missed almost all of my morning classes and just chilled after all of my classes. no studying at all! so school was cool. in terms of my walk, i had a very blessed week as i fasted lunch everyday and spent time reading the gospels. God also gave me the opportunity to have some good conversations with people that actually applied to what i've been reading this whole week...ROMANS 4! i've come to realize that many people struggle with "living up to the standards of a christian." i think too many people don't realize that Christ's death justifies us and makes us perfect in God's eyes. people keep saying things like, "it's too hard to live the christian life." or "i don't see too many christians living the way they are supposed to be." the common idea is that salvation is work-based and not faith-based. that is what Romans 4 was about...how Abraham was justified by his faith and not by his works. but of course, we cannot forget that faith PRODUCES works. and we cannot forget that yes, even christians are imperfect and still sin! i suppose it is a very difficult concept for nonbelievers to grasp. i mean, the concept of faith is pretty hard to swallow if you yourself do not believe. only God's grace can change that i suppose. so while i had some difficult conversations with different people, i am still encouraged that God is sovereign and as a reult, glorified!

so today's Good Friday was very good to me. i think of all the years i've been a christian, this was the first Good Friday that i actually took the time to appreciate Christ's death. it finally hit me that i do not spend enough time reading the Bible or praying for my fellow believers and myself. man, what a conviction! during today's sermon, i was thinking about how Jesus was praying in the garden of Gethsemane to ask for any possible way out. sweating blood and praying words with tears, suffering was something He did not want to face if He did not have to. that really hit me you know? to beg to His own Father, but still following through with what was to happen. that is a love that you cannot describe. that is a grace that you will never fully comprehend.

funny moment of the day:
(playing Nirvana-Smells Like Teen Spirit).
aaron starts going insane with his imaginary drums.

me and dykas: ahahahahahahahha.

(from my brother's blog).

so my mom came back today at around 2:30ish. man....... the first thing she said when she walked in the door. "ahahahahhahaha... how is my little dedgi gogi!" in korean.

lol. my mom and i are so similar in some spects.

Thought of the Day: Oh the wonderful cross!
Song of the Day: Oasis-Wonderwall

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