May 1, 2002

dang, God is so full of grace! He gave me a 78% on my calculus test! woohoo! the teacher was like, "philip, a lot better than last time!" haha. dang right! i even shocked a few of other students who were sitting around me:

me: ken, what'd you get?
ken: i got 28. what'd you get?
me: 30.
ken: oh damn! phil, did you study?!
me: NO! ahahahahahahaha.
ken: ahhahahahahaha.

you had to be there. his "oh damn!" was full of wonder and disbelief! haha. praise God!

man, i've been consistent in my reading for three days now! i have to admit, it's getting harder everyday b/c i would so prefer to do other time-wasting things. but at the same time whenever i do read, i enjoy it very much. man, reading's good stuff. it's hard, but it's good.

i'm doing this assignment in econ where we're supposed to pick a career that you're interested in and write your future budgets. dang, after doing alotta calculations and estimations, i realized that being a teacher could really be tough. you're going to have to pinch every penny to survive in this world with that kinda pay...i mean, it's almost pitiful! ugh, supporting a family will be incredibly difficult! but this of course should not prevent anyone from wanting to become a teacher. anyways, i'm only 18. only God knows what i'm going to be doing 10 years from now. perhaps a teacher who makes more money than the other teachers? *giggle*

Terrance, i believe we've found someone with much more talent!

Thought of the Day: So young. So naive. So stupid?
Song of the Day: 2pac-How Long Will They Mourn Me?

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