September 27, 2015

Psalm 94:19

When  my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.

I love the NASB translation of this verse, especially during a time when my heart is multiplying anxieties at exponential rates. I feel overwhelmed right now. So much to read, write, prepare, and study in so little time. The IMPACT program at UCLA is really good but very intense. Even after I get my credentials and masters, it's still going to be an uphill battle. Teaching is no joke. I never knew it would be this demanding. What have I gotten myself into?

Where are Your soul-delighting consolations?

Thought of the Day: Carpool
Song of the Day: Ed Sheeran & Rudimental-Bloodstream (Arty Club Remix)


elisa said...

Hey!! I'm actually taking prereqs to get my teaching credential as well. What level/subject are you getting your credential for?? Welcome back to CA!! it's been a while!

Phil said...

Oh wow a comment! I'm pursuing a secondary math credential through UCLA's IMPACT program. What about you? Good to hear from you!