May 24, 2012

Catching Z's

"Yes, sir, that is true, and I am grateful for all favors, I am sure, and anything that I could do to oblige you, or the lady, I should be proud and happy to do; but I can't give up my Sundays, sir, indeed I can't.  I read that God made man, and He made horses and all the other beasts, and as soon as He had made them, He made a day of rest, and bade that they all should rest one day in seven; and I think, and I am sure it is good for me; I am stronger and healthier altogether, now that I have a day of rest; the horses are fresh too, and do not wear up nearly so fast  The six-day drivers all tell me the same, and I have laid by more money in the Savings Bank than I ever did before; and as for the wife and children, sir-why, heart alive! they would not go back to the seven days for all they could see."
-Jerry Barker from Black Beauty

As I'm getting older, I'm realizing just how valuable and necessary sleep is for the mind, body, and soul.  If you miss one good night's sleep, the rest of your week kinda snowballs into an imbalanced usage of energy and efficiency.  A lack of sleep messes with your emotions and concentration whether you're at work or home.  It screws up your appetite, metabolism, and exercise.  Routines are out of whack along with future sleep that tends to spiral down into ugly cycles.  I'm a pretty big fan of food, but I'm beginning to see a growing value in sleep these days.

I can easily see how good rest for the body and mind often brings good rest for the soul as well.  I always try to "start my Sabbath" on Saturday night instead of waking up really tired on a Sunday morning.  More often than not, these "early Sabbaths" help me to have a much more enjoyable day of rest that God has given to His people.  And when His people rest on His day, I believe we can be stronger, healthier, and happier people during the week.  So get yo rest!

Thought of the Day:  HIV and TPBE Tests
Song of the Day:  TaeTiSeo-Twinkle

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