I think it's really interesting how I actually enjoy beer now. I was truly a beer nazi whenever I hung out with friends, but it is now my choice beverage at bars (minus Korean beer b/c all it really is is water with beer flavoring). I like how it's relatively low in alcohol and good for socializing, but it can easily shrink the wallet and grow the gut too. Always gotta be moderate.
Another sign of maturity is how I can now appreciate coffee too. I'm not talking about sugary lattes or macchiatos; I'm talking about straight black Americano. I can even tell if it's good or not! The stuff that my student's mom used to give to me is gooood. The stuff that my adult student, Cynthia, gives me is gooood. The stuff that 행복 Cafe gives me tastes like swamp.
So now that I know how to enjoy these adult things, I can finally be friends with Enoch and Dinko, my two beer+donut lovers. Ironically, my two favorite beers happen to be Becks and Stella Artois, which are their favorite beers respectively. I wonder what took me so long.
What's next? Freaking golf?
Thought of the Day: X-men: The Last Stand
Song of the Day: Keane-Somewhere Only We Know
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