May 2, 2011


That's the text that I get from my basketball buddy about four times a week. He and I have nicknames for various people that we know at the courts. The Rat. Korea 형. Iverson. Ginobili. Garnet. 잔존 (John Zone). 뚱뚱이. The guy who talks too much. Haha. But we have a special name for a group of guys that always play together that we really dislike. The Bulls. They all wear Chicago Bulls jerseys and have beaten us countless times with their overpowering heights and abilities (the sheki who cracked my rib last summer is on this team).

So my buddy and I always joke about how we need to redeem ourselves and particularly wish that the Bulls had come to play on the days when we were playing well. Well, we hadn't seen them all winter and spring...until last night. Although they still played pretty well, our team dominated by killing them with a 10 point difference. My friend was so satisfied that he said he could now retire from basketball. Of course, that's a lie cause he's a basketball freak.

In other news, Iverson seriously injured his already injured knee that the doctor had warned him about.

Growing up in the states, I really feel like I bring shame to the game though. I wish I was so much better. Curse these weak calves and flat feet!

Thought of the Day: Bin Laden
Song of the Day: miss A-Love Alone

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