“I would go into the depths a hundred times to cheer a downcast spirit. It is good for me to have been afflicted, so that I might know how to speak a word in season to one who is weary…realize, then, that to acquire soulwinning power, you will have to go through fire and water, through doubt and despair, through mental torment and soul distress. It will not be the same with all of you, or perhaps with any two of you, but according to the work allotted you will be your preparation. You must go into the fire if you are to pull others out of it, and you will have to dive in to the floods if you are to draw others out of the water. You cannot work a fire escape without feeling the scorch of the blaze, or man a lifeboat without being covered with the waves.”
-C.H. Spurgeon
Thought of the Day: Playoffs
Song of the Day: Red Hot Chili Peppers-Especially In Michigan
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