April 10, 2011


Whenever I eat McDonald's, I always get hungry again real soon and have to eat more when I get home. It probably has something to do with processed ingredients and preservatives that break down at abnormal rates. In that sense, I really feel like it's "fast food" that doesn't serve the purpose of real food.

For the first time, some of us church people actually talked about theology outside of a church setting today. It was so encouraging to see people desiring to know and understand God's Word in newer and deeper ways. We were actually wrestling with tough questions and seeking to clarify the even tougher answers. I feel like we'd been a starving church that had been eating McDonald's all these years but finally got a taste of some real food recently. Now that we've tasted and felt some of its fullness, we want more. You can sense the hunger for knowledge and truth. Ironically, all of this took place at a McDonald's. =/

With all of that said, I recently discovered even more Ravi Zacharias mp3s on a different site. And for the cherry on top, I even found some more Tim Keller sermons to add to my collection. I don't see myself getting full any time soon.

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