I've added more books to the reading list, some by choice, others by obligation.
This was one of the few books at Elite that I never got to read. Johanna had told me it was whatevers, but I thought it was great. It's so hard to find films or literature on Korea's colonization period, let alone something in English. If you're Korean, I think you should pick this up.
This is one of the books that I have to read for one of my classes. Unfortunately, it's not that great so far, and my student has decided to give up halfway. Her adolescent fickleness is starting to get to me, but more than that, I'm too stubborn to not finish it. Does anyone know any other good books for 6th-7th graders? Chances are my student has already read all the fun ones.
성은 introduced me to a bookstore in 이태원 called Whatthebook. They buy/sell used books and even have new books for a slightly cheaper price than Kyobo. Although I wasn't able to get rid of my heavy and thick hardcovers, I used my store credit to find a used copy of Wicked. I was THIS close to buying a new copy but made one final look around the store and discovered the used fantasy books section. Jackpot!
The other used book I got was Dracula since I've always wanted to read it. Although the Twilight books/movies have totally ruined vampires for the world, I have always had a special interest in the father of all vampires. If it weren't for him, vampires wouldn't be the coolest monsters out there. They're strong and good-looking. They can fly and pick up babes. I guess turning into bats is cool too?
The other used book I got was Dracula since I've always wanted to read it. Although the Twilight books/movies have totally ruined vampires for the world, I have always had a special interest in the father of all vampires. If it weren't for him, vampires wouldn't be the coolest monsters out there. They're strong and good-looking. They can fly and pick up babes. I guess turning into bats is cool too?
I wish I was a fast reader.
Thought of the Day: 12AM/PM
Song of the Day: Psy feat. 서인영-Thank You
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