Right now, I'm reading and watching so many things at once.
1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
2. Hinds' Feet on High Places
3. The Hunger Games
4. Among the Hidden
1. Castle Season 1
2. Seven Samurai
3. Band of Brothers
I'm a man of great simplicity, so doing multiple things at once has always been a challenge for me. I usually commit to one thing and go all out, but I've somehow put myself in this multi-tasking place. It kinda reminds me of how I've been doing my Bible reading for the past few years. Ever since I started the 1 year Bible reading schedule, I've always been reading four different books at once, two from the OT and two from the NT. But I've found myself lacking in meditation and being so focused on finishing that day's "assignment."
However, I have exactly two months left before 2010 ends, so I think I'll be able to 정리 everything pretty well. In that sense, I look forward to a new year with a more focused approach on a just a few things. I've never liked spreading myself thin with my friendships, so I definitely don't want to do that with the other areas of my life either. Two months left. How are we going to finish up?
1. Castle Season 1
2. Seven Samurai
3. Band of Brothers
However, I have exactly two months left before 2010 ends, so I think I'll be able to 정리 everything pretty well. In that sense, I look forward to a new year with a more focused approach on a just a few things. I've never liked spreading myself thin with my friendships, so I definitely don't want to do that with the other areas of my life either. Two months left. How are we going to finish up?
Note: all those dark marks on the reading schedule are the body count of several mosquitoes that died this year. Another reason to change up my devotionals. =D
Thought of the Day: Giants 3-1
Song of the Day: Girls' Generation-Hoot