Although Simon should probably be the one posting up these pictures, these memories are mine just as much as they are his.

These are Simon's first friends that he saw in Korea.

Finally, being able to try Mr. Wow. Best hotdog in the world.

WC reunion.

Favorite sleeping position.

Cambodia Team at 돌돌이.

Best 갈매기 in the world with 계란찜 to go around.

My beloved Snugs.

현백 빙수.

Lots and lots of ball.

Gabriel aka Rocky. My favorite cousin.

First time subwaying with entire family.

감자탕 볶음밥.

My favorite 냉면. Check out my stack of bowls. =D

Everyone's favorite 삼겹.

Funny Koreans.

Doing what I do best.

Simon's two favorite 형s. Our unstoppable basketball team.

Best 오겹 in the world.

Amazing water show at 호수공원.

Does that look similar or does that look similar?

Simon's first time eating 회.

Freaking hiking.

Look how wet he is.

Interestingly enough, our only family picture.

Nasty 아구찜.

Times Square. Best mall in the world.

Valence Burger with family.

Dracula Burger. First time eating a garlic burger. Very satisfying.

BoA paid us a visit, but she couldn't get through to us.

Summer Retreat fun. Nate, our awesome gamemaster and hamburger man.

Small and intimate.

Charis and her mother.

Special guest appearance: Jae Kim.

The only reason why I came to retreat.

Here are some of Nate's awesome pictures

The EMPCL pastors.
Of course, my dad wanted us to go hiking for his birthday.
I think this was the first time I ever saw my parents holding hands.

Dad's birthday.

The right way.

One more time just father and son.

The last supper.
Although it was difficult to make time for friends, I had a grand time with my family. After not being together for so long, we had our occasional hiccups too. I remember during our third week, I literally got so upset and annoyed by each family member one day after another but only one person at a time. The summer heat didn't help. Mosquitoes were awesome. Nevertheless, 97% of our time was wonderful. It was kinda ironic how it got so cold today on the day Simon left.
I felt so sad and empty when I came home after work and the house was empty. What a summer.
Thought of the Day: Penicillin
Song of the Day: 브로콜리 너마저-보편적인 노래
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