I'm trying to play as much basketball as possible these days because it will soon be too cold to play...for a long long time. So last night, I played four full court games non-stop because our team was just that awesome. Unfortunately, this one guy charliehorsed me in the same leg twice, once while we were on the same team and once when we played against one another. As a result, I couldn't make it out to the courts tonight as I could barely make it up and down any flight of stairs, including the bus. So here I am blogging on a perfectly weathered Monday night. ㅠㅠ

I started watching Entourage cause I had nothing else to watch. I didn't care much for the first season, but the second is pretty enjoyable so far. It's like the Sex in the City for guys or something. I like how every episode always has celebrity guests who you'd never think would make time to come out in the show. Man, these guys need Christ.
After taking nearly half a year to finish Ender's Shadow, I finally started The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Hinds Feet on High Places. The first is my secular bedtime book. The second is my Christian bathroom book. These will probably go into 2011. The Christian one maybe 2012.
Hope your September night was better than mine.
Thought of the Day: Cholesterol
Song of the Day: 2NE1-Go Away